Why is my cat such a b*tch? He could literally be cuddling me, and I was minding my own business.....then this ho bites me in the face.........LIKE, THE F*CK! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CAME UP TO ME! I WAS FINE WITH YOU SLEEPING ON YOUR CAT TOWER BUT NOOOOOO! YOU WANTED TO GET ALL UP IN MY FACE TO GET PETS AND CUDDLES! THEN WHEN YOU GOT SICK OF IT YOU COULD'VE JUST LEFT! I WOULDN'T STOP YOU! MY FACE AIN'T DO SH*T! ...........Haaaaaaaa..........love this f*cker.
Random Thinking
NezařaditelnéHave you ever just been sitting on the toilet, taking a shower, or spacing out on the sofa and thinking about the randomest things? This is the things I think about during those moments. (I'm not forcing you to agree, these are just my personal opin...