I remember this one time back in Geometry class the teacher had given us homework, and I saw a problem that I didn't understand one bit and I didn't feel like dealing with bullsh*t, so I gave up extremely quickly. Like, I didn't even spend 2 minutes on that b*tch, I looked, I didn't like, I left. Any who, next day I was worried I was going to lose a lot of points cause I didn't even make a guess. Come to find out everyone in my class even the smartest kids couldn't solve it no matter how long they spent on it, but don't worry it was fine.........cause even this b*tch a$$ teacher didn't know how to f*cking solve it. Gotta love when the teacher don't proofread the homework to make sure they know the answers, am I right?
Random Thinking
DiversosHave you ever just been sitting on the toilet, taking a shower, or spacing out on the sofa and thinking about the randomest things? This is the things I think about during those moments. (I'm not forcing you to agree, these are just my personal opin...