Bad Reputation

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- Glee Club Room-

Finn and Mike walked into the Glee room to see Kurt, Mercedes, Artie, Luna, and Tina were all watching a video on Kurt's laptop. They were laughing at whatever was playing, "What's so funny?" Finn asked as the two boys joined the group. "You guys aren't watching the video of me falling off stage at my first TintTots beauty pageant again, are you?" Rachel asked as she walked in holding hands with Jessie. Luna rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arms around herself, even with the turtleneck on she was always so cold now because of the uniform. (it definitely wasn't because of her weight, like Kurt always said.) "That video was carrot top funny in comparison to this comedic tour de force." Kurt said, wiping a tear from his eye as he continued to giggle from the video. "That's 'Physical' by Olivia Newton-John right?" Jessie asked, hearing the music that Sue Sylvester was dancing to in the clip the club members were watching. "Yes Jessie, but that's not Olivia. It's Sue!" Finn said with shock, "Where did you get this?" Mike asked, laughing with everyone else watching the video. "I can tell you that I certainly did not steal it from her locked file cabinet yesterday." Kurt said with a smirk. "Sue sent us back to her office to get her hormone replacement injection during Cheerio's practice this morning. Just so it's on the record, I told Kurt to put it back when he found it...but clearly he didn't." Luna said, pulling her legs up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. She shivered and Mike frowned. "Why are you so nervous about it? Sue is a jerk to us all the time." He said as Finn pulled the laptop to his lap. "I'm posting this to youtube." He said. Everyone in the room protested. "Do you think that's a good idea? She might kill us." Rachel said. "Oh! Let her get a taste of some of the humiliation she puts us through." Mercedes said, "I'm with Rachel. If she even finds out we have the tape we're dead, and that's without posting it to the internet." Luna said with a frown. "Look, if worst comes to worst, I took the tape and Finn posted the video. Everyone else is in the clear...I say go for it." Kurt said with an evil grin. "Ten bucks it goes viral by lunch." Finn said, starting the uploading process. Luna stood up, "Well I have to get to my next tutoring session anyway, so I'm leaving before I can become an accessory to the crime." She got her stuff and Mike jumped out of his seat too. "I'll come with you. I need to go by the library anyway, and I also don't want to be a witness whenever Sue comes after you all." He said over his shoulder, following Luna out of the room.

Mike took a couple of large steps to catch up with Luna, taking his letterman jacket off in the process and resting it over the girl's shoulders. "Noticed you were a bit cold in the Glee room. The air runs cold in the library too so you can use this!" "Oh, this is your letterman jacket...are you sure you want me to borrow it?" Luna asked, running her fingers over the soft material. "Yea! Unless you feel weird about it. I don't! I know we're just friends...but if you don't want to I get it." Mike said, stumbling over his words. "Well, it does get cold in the library. And who cares what people think? Thank you." Luna said as the two made it to the library. Before Luna opened the door she looked at a sheet of paper taped to the front. "Glist?" Luna read the top of the paper. "What is this?" She asked, ripping the paper off the door. "Oh, that's the Glist, someone made a list ranking all the hottest, and not hottest people in the Glee club." Mike said, looking it over. "Oh, I didn't know about it." Luna said, seeing her name in the 4th spot. She felt her face turn red and crumbled up the paper. "It's silly anyway...let's go inside." Mike said, holding the library door open. "Yea, thanks Mike." Luna said, following her friend into the library.

-Glee Club-

"Who did it?" Mr.Shue asked, holding the Glist in his hands, and sounding upset. Luna looked over her shoulder to see Mike giving her a solemn look. No one said a word to Mr.Shue, either not knowing, or not snitching. "This is serious, Figgins is threatening to disband the club." Mr.Shue continued. "Why are we playing this game? We all know it was Puck." Santana said, starting the blame game. Luna nervously tugged at the sleeves of Mike's jacket as people started to argue. "Okay enough! No one is accusing anyone or doing anything." Mr.Shue said, before turning to Puck. "Seriously, did you do it?" He asked the teen. "I said no!" That seemed to be good enough for Mr.Shue, as he turned to the rest of the class. "All right, here's the important point. Between this list and posting Sue's personal video online, you guys are getting a pretty bad reputation." Artie spoke up, "Why is that a bad thing? Maybe if we seem more dangerous, people would stop flushing my glasses down the toilet." He pointed out. Mr.Shue sighed as he started handing out music sheets. "Look, I know things are hard right now. I get it, you guys are under a lot of pressure...some more than others." He said, stopping in front of Luna and Quinn and giving them a knowing look as he handed their music sheets to them. "But becoming what you despise is not the answer." Luna couldn't help but agree, thinking of the one person she truly despised. "Man, this song is wack." Mercedes said, looking over the music. "No, it's not. It's a terrific song on a long list of top hits that, because of time or some bad press, has become a joke. And like you guys, it's time to start rehabilitating its bad reputation...the assignment for the week is for all of you to find songs like this, and make them good again." Jessie rolled his eyes...

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