Chapter 26: Revenge To The Goblins

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The aftermath of the battle left Gem Castle in ruins. The once majestic walls now lay crumbled, and the halls echoed with the cries of the wounded. But amidst the destruction, a fire burned within me. It was a fire fueled by vengeance, a burning desire to make the goblins pay for what they had done.

Marcus and I stood at the edge of the castle, surveying the damage. The goblins had attacked with a ferocity we had never seen before, and they had taken advantage of our momentary distraction to strike at the heart of Gem Castle. But we would not let them get away with it.

"We need to gather our forces and strike back," Marcus said, his voice filled with determination. "We cannot let the goblins think they can destroy Gem Castle without consequences."

I nodded, my jaw clenched with anger. "We will not rest until every last goblin is driven out of our lands. They will pay for what they have done."

We spent the next few days rallying our troops, gathering every able-bodied person willing to fight. Gem Castle had always been a peaceful place, but now it was a fortress of determination and revenge. The people were ready to fight, ready to reclaim their home.

As we prepared for battle, I couldn't help but think of Isabella. She had sacrificed so much for Gem Castle, and now it was our turn to honor her memory. I knew she would be with us in spirit, guiding us towards victory.

The day of the attack arrived, and our forces assembled outside the castle walls. The air was thick with tension, but also with a sense of purpose. We were ready to take back what was rightfully ours.

With a rallying cry, we charged towards the goblin encampment. The battle was fierce, but we fought with a determination that could not be extinguished. Every swing of our swords, every arrow that found its mark, was a step closer to victory.

The goblins fought back with a savagery that matched their initial attack. They were desperate to hold onto the land they had stolen, but we were equally desperate to take it back. The clash of steel and the cries of pain filled the air, but we pushed forward, never wavering in our resolve.

As the battle raged on, I caught sight of the goblin leader. He stood tall and menacing, his eyes filled with a cruel determination. I knew that defeating him would be the key to victory. With a surge of adrenaline, I charged towards him, my sword raised high.

Our swords clashed, and the goblin leader sneered at me. "You think you can defeat me, human? You are nothing compared to the might of the goblin army."

I gritted my teeth, pushing back against his strength. "We may be outnumbered, but we fight with a purpose. We fight for our home, for our loved ones. And that is a power you will never understand."

With a final burst of strength, I struck the goblin leader down. His body fell to the ground, and a cheer erupted from our troops. We had done it. We had avenged Gem Castle.

As the goblin forces retreated, we stood victorious on the battlefield. The castle may have been in ruins, but its spirit remained unbroken. We would rebuild, stronger than ever before.

Marcus came to stand beside me, his face covered in dirt and sweat. "We did it, Cyran. Gem Castle is ours once again."

I nodded, a sense of pride swelling within me. "But we must never forget the sacrifices that were made. Isabella gave her life for this cause, and we must honor her memory."

Marcus placed a hand on my shoulder, his eyes filled with determination. "We will, Cyran. We will rebuild Gem Castle, and we will ensure that Isabella's sacrifice was not in vain."

And so, we set to work, rebuilding Gem Castle from the ashes. The scars of battle would forever remain, but they would serve as a reminder of our strength and resilience. We would never forget the goblins' attack, and we would never let our guard down again.

Gem Castle would rise again, stronger than ever before. And as we worked, I knew that Isabella's spirit would guide us every step of the way.

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