a: majority wins, i have a chance with you

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"Tick tock, tick tock"

The slow ticking of the clock felt like years for you, so the very moment the school bell rang, signaling the end of classes, the first thing you did was sprinting towards Akashi's class.

Unfortunately, the crimson-eyed boy was nowhere to be found inside.

"Ah, Y/n. You here for number one again?" one of the students in the class asks.

At this point of the year, it was now known in Akashi Seijuro's class that whenever you passed by, it was for Akashi.

"L/n, you're here again?" another student chuckles when you nod eagerly,

"Yep, have you seen Sei?"

"Oh Akashi-sama? He went with Atsuko earlier... I think they headed to the back of the volleyball gym" another answers.

"Who's Atsuko?" you shook your head, "Nevermind, thanks!" Y/n waves them goodbye before rushing off towards the back of the gym where what could only be a 'confession' was about to take place.

The girl in the same class as Akashi named 'Atsuko' was currently blushing in front of Akashi with a letter in hands.

Y/n's gaze falls on Atsuko who makes a 90 degree bow to Akashi, pressing the letter towards Akashi, her cheeks flushing red.

Scratch that,

her whole body was burning red with both embarrassment and flusteredness.

If that was even a word.

The two appear to be in the middle of a confession.

Curious on how it would all turn out, you set aside the growing jealousy on your chest and ducked behind a nearby tree to avoid detection.

Y/n watches as Atsuko's blush intensifies, if it was pink a few seconds ago, it was now red.

Akashi on the other hand, stands still as Atsuko blurts out her feelings.

"Akashi-sama, I like you! Please go out with me!" Atsuko confesses with a beat red face.

You felt a harsh tug on your chest but still continued to watch the scene unfold.

"Atsuko-san, as you know I am very much not interested in dating as of now so I have to reject y---" 

"It's L/n-san isn't it?"

Akashi was cut off by Atsuko who was now holding back her tears and hiding her clenched fists behind her.

Smiling at the girl being rejected was not something you meant to do on purpose but your lips quirked into a smirk either way. 

Feeling proud with how his fans somehow felt like you had a better chance with the famous, well-known, number one, Akashi Seijuro than themselves.

'At least his fangirls think I have more of a chance than them, hehe~'

Akashi kept his usual 'friendly' smile plastered on his face,

"Of course not," he pauses.

Atsuko took the time to look at Akashi, lifting her head to face the boy.

"But Atsuko-san.... don't you think cutting off someone's sentence is kind of... rude?" Akashi tilts his head to the side in a menacing way making Atsuko shiver.

"I'm sorry Akashi-san!" she bows her head one last time before running away, with tears threatening to fall off her eyes, leaving her crumpled love letter on the ground.

Akashi stood unimpressed by Atsuko's reaction, "L/n I know you're there." he suddenly calls out.

Akashi's voice echoed through the empty backyard, reaching your ears as you stood hidden behind the tree.

You couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and amusement at his ability to sense your presence every time.

Taking a deep breath, you stepped out from your hiding spot, revealing yourself to dear Akashi.

"Sei~" you say, offering a playful smile.

"You still have quite the sixth sense. How do you do that anyway..." you muttered the last bit, trying to avoid the fact that you were eavesdropping on the confession.

Akashi's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he regarded you. "L/n, eavesdropping isn't a crime but it can turn into one if you keep doing so."

You chuckled, not feeling the need to deny his statement since arguing with the man was a definite no-go, "You're too perceptive!"

Akashi's lips curved into a small, almost a mischievous one. "Indeed. But what brings you here?"

You shook your head, your mischievous grin turning into a more genuine smile, "I just happened to be passing by and overheard Atsuko's comment about me. It was rather amusing, to be honest."

"Amusing, you say?" Akashi's tone remained cool and composed but he was rather curious as to why you felt that way.

You couldn't help but tease him a little, "Sei, don't you find it amusing that your fans believe I have an advantage over them. It's quite the compliment!" you proudly explain.

A flicker of amusement danced in Akashi's eyes, "Compliment or not, it doesn't change the fact that I have no intention of pursuing a romantic relationship with anyone. Ever."

You nod, even though not completely agreeing with his words, "Even so, you'll find yourself being a fan of mine soon enough!"

Akashi's gaze lingered on you for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, he looks at you with those stern crimson eyes of his "I guess that's what makes you intriguing L/n"

"Eh? What? Did you just call me intriguing???" Smirking, you linked your arm with his, "The day of our marriage is coming soon it seems." Y/n grins, happily skipping behind Akashi who unlinked their arms and had already started walking away.

"You misheard." he says, an unreadable expression on his face but if you look a little bit closer, the unreadable boy was definitely smiling and it was not one of amusement but rather...

of simple genuine joy.

But, unfortunately, you did not look that close.

The two of you walked in silence, acknowledging the comfortable silence after his retort.

It was clear that despite the playful banters and multiple amount of marriage proposals, there was a mutual feeling between the two of you and no one knows what it was.

'Definitely not a romantic one'

"The weather's pretty good, wanna go on a date, Sei?" you ask, breaking the silence and his train of thoughts.


In a joking manner, you clutched onto your chest and dramatically fell on your knees, "Another day of rejection, ack!"

He ignores the exaggeration and continues on with his walk.

"Hey, Sei! Wait for meeee" you call out, getting up from your dramatic play and catching up beside him.

Walking side by side through the hallways of the school,

and with the lingering whispers of everyone

trailing behind the two of you.

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