r: get someone who can panic and attack

273 16 3

"You've been lagging since yesterday N/n"

Your mom was worried.

Ever since you came home from last night, you've been in a daze.

She worriedly checks on your temperature with the back of her hand, snapping you out of your trance and exploding into another flustered fit after remembering last night.

Your older brother sat beside you with a bored expression, "It's probably the guy that walked N/n home last night" he yawns out.

"A GUY!?" your father appears from the kitchen and shook you like a ketchup bottle,


"SHUSH" You shushed your father, jumping out of his grasp, "He's not my boyfriend" you say giving your father a sense of relief.

"He's my husband!"

Your father fell on his knees as your mother chuckles at the situation,

"Isn't that good honey?" she teases her husband.

"IS THAT WHY YOU WERE IN A DAZE LAST NIGHT? I CAN'T BELIEVE MY DAUGHTER WAS MARRIED WITHOUT MY CONSENT!!" He cries, slowly turning into a blob of an unenthusiastic slime.

He points at your brother accusingly next, "IF YOU DARE GET A BOYFRIEND OR A GIRLFRIEND, I WON'T FORGIVE YOU EITHER!"

"Ehhhh. But I already have one?" your brother answers.

Your father fell on his knees for the nth time, "My whole family has betrayed me..."

Everyone chuckles at this while you have a flashback to the scenarios last night, "He held my hand...." you dreamily sigh out.


A time in the days where Y/n L/n

hasn't met Seijuro Akashi yet....

Y/n frantically runs from hallway to hallway with a very distressed face.

Everyone's concern was ignored as Y/n's mind was too clouded in restlessness to notice their presence.

Akashi Seijuro saw the commotion and as a responsible and well-known figure in the school, he was forced to check the problem out.

As soon as the students laid their eyes on the red head, they made way for him until his line of sight reached the source of the commotion.

Y/n L/n's breath hitched at the sight of a blurry figure walking towards him.

Akashi felt a surge of panic when he saw what shape the student was in, and it was bad BAD, but kept a calm composure and observes L/n's weak figure.

Your chest threatening to jump out of your chest, rapid heart beating, mind being clouded by different negative thoughts bringing a frown to your face,

face flushed, and cold sweat dripping from your face as you clutch on your chest with a pained face.

Akashi took notice of all these factors and ordered the students to stay away before taking Y/n in his arms princess style.

He might be 'short' but his physical attributes were top notch.

He rushes towards the school garden where only peace was found.

He rests Y/n on the bench and starts calming them down, "Deep breaths" he tries to mask his worry as he watches the unknown student slowly breath in and out.

"It's alright..." His voice somehow made their way into your ears which soothed your emotions.

'His voice.... is quite soothing...' Y/n thought, slowly calming down and passing out.

Akashi heaves a sigh of relief, "It's alright, I got you" he carries the passed-out individual to the nurse's office,

and for the first time in his life, he skipped class to watch over someone.

"Oh... Akashi-kun, am I right?" The nurse asks the boy, not expecting the school's top student, also known for having no record of skipping class,

skipped class for...


"Yes ma'am" he stands up in greeting.

She hums before checking your pulse, "Is uh... this kid a friend of yours?"

"No ma'am"

The nurse widened her eyes, "It gave me quite a shock that you're skipping a class to watch over a... stranger, don't you think so too Akashi-kun?"

Akashi stays silent for a while,

"I think so too...." he mumbles.

The nurse shook her head, not making sense of the both the boy's words and actions, "Well either way... their pulse is normal and seems to be doing good now, they'll probably wake up after a few hours of sleep"

Akashi nods at the update, and bows goodbye to the nurse who exits a few moments later.

Akashi Seijuro sat back down on the chair beside you, "Weird.... It is indeed weird." he examines the person laying on the infirmary's bed.

He stays silent and took the time to examine your features,


The school bell rang a few moments later and realized that he had been staring at you far too long for his own good.

He stands up from his seat and headed for the door but not before looking back to take one last glance at you,

vowing to himself to never see you again.

He twists the door knob and exits,

And at the exact same time, 

you opened your eyes...

"Huh... Where am I?"


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