r: don't be jel-ly honey

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"Sei~ Let me take you out on a date!"

Y/n follows Akashi around, insisting on a date that they ended up following him to his class.

"L/n, it's almost time for your test, don't you think you should stop following me for today and go back to your own class?" Akashi reminds the persistent one.

You glance at your watch, "Oh shi---"

You immediately ran off but not before waving and winking Akashi a goodbye.

Akashi sighs but a small unnoticeable smile follows, "Idiot."

Akashi, unexpectedly, rolls his eyes as he watches L/n quickly leave to prepare for their test.

Akashi enters the room and a few seconds later, their homeroom teacher enters too, switching up his whole demeanor from a softer one to a more serious aura.

After more boring hours of class, everyone was finally dismissed and as usual, Y/n was the first to exit the classroom, running towards the red-head's class, bidding a rushed goodbye to their friends while carrying a gigantic duffel bag along.

Just in time, L/n found Akashi exiting his classroom,

"Seiiiii" he jumps on Akashi who elegantly dodges, resulting to Y/n falling face flat on the ground.

Y/n picked themselves up just as quickly and accompanying the boy to the gym where he was going to have a small practice session with his teammates in the first string.

Akashi glances at the bag you carried but refuses to ask you about it, knowing that it would only result to a more complicated conversation.

"C'mon it's a date with me Seiiii! Give me one chance, just one! I'll make it that you'll have the best day of your life!" you insist, circling around him while he focuses on walking down the path towards the gymnasium.

He smiles, not uttering a word since coming into contact with you, earning a dejected sigh from you.

"Another day of an unsaid no." you cry out, entering the gym with the boy.

"Ah Y/n-chin, did you bring my snacks?" Murasakibara Atsushi got straight to the point once he saw you enter the gym with Akashi.

You grin at him, " 'fcourse I did!"

You opened the duffel bag that you have been carrying since this morning, showing him a gigantic pile of various sweets inside.

His eyes gleamed in excitement at the amount, "Yoshhhh, I'll practice for the sake of my sweets!" He cheers in a lazy manner making everyone present in the gymnasium deadpan.

Nijimura Shuzo, the team's captain, slapped the tall boy's legs, "Do it for the team you idiot!"

"Ouch, yes yes..." He replies whilst rubbing his head.

You chuckle at the tall purple head before ruffling his hair, "Do 'yer best, Atsu"

Unbeknownst to you, a certain 'emperor' tightly gripped on a basketball, almost deflating it but Akashi averted his attention to something else before he could murder the innocent ball.

'Clear your mind, Akashi Seijuro. We do NOT have other interests other than basketball' he tells himself.

Midorima sighs inwardly, watching Y/n wave at Akashi enthusiastically from the benches, 'They should just get together already-nodayo'

"Go Seiiii!!!" you cheered as loudly as you can.

Their practice match finally ended after a whole hour.

Murasakibara Atsushi walks towards Y/n L/n with a lazy smile, "Hehe, we won L/nchin"

You smile before handing the tall, childish, sweet-lover boy his prize, "Ta-da~"

The whole duffel bag.

Murasakibara's eyes gleamed in excitement, "You're the best Y/n-chin!"

You widened your eyes at the sudden first name basis, "As long as 'ya do your best! I guess...." you smile his way.

Kuroko appears from behind Y/n, giving everyone around you a shock.

You let out a loud shriek, "Kuroko!!! You scared the living daylights out of me!" you faced the boy to scold him.

"But I've been here the whole time?" He tilts his head innocently like a kicked puppy.

Y/n felt a pang of guilt for not noticing him in the first place and apologizes by ruffling his hair, "Sorry, Kuroko,"

Akashi Seijuro stood a few meters away from the commotion, not noticing how he deflates the ball that he held.

'Merciless' Aomine sweatdrops at the ball that laid dead on Akashi's hands.

Aomine nervously pulls Kuroko away from you to avoid his dear friend's death, "H-hey Kuroko let's go eat at Maji Burger today!"

"So suddenly? I haven't taken a shower ye---"

Before the light-blue haired boy could finish his sentence, Aomine pulls him away, carrying his bag for him.

The two left the gym in a hurry, the others following until the only ones left were, Akashi and L/n.

L/n, unaware of whatever just happened, skips contentedly towards Akashi, "Great job today, Sei!!"

Akashi nods as he elegantly slings his bag on his shoulder along with your bag, "I'll walk you home" he speaks with authority, it wasn't even a suggestion, it sounded more like an order.

"Really??? What about your butler? Isn't he bringing you home today? Did something happen?"

"I'll be walking today" he walks out of the gym with Y/n following closely behind, "O...kay?" you were confused.

'What's with the sudden change in character...?'  Although, you were glad, of course.

The love of your life was walking you home, who wouldn't be excited?

However, he wore an unreadable expression on his face and there was a small yet noticeable change in his actions.

He never offers to voluntarily be with you after all. Lest take you home.

"Oh yeah why isn't Satsuki here?" You start speaking, but Akashi doesn't respond leaving you in an awkward position.

You shook the awkwardness off and hum in delight, looking at the positive side of this walk,

"Hehe this is the first time you offered to walk me home~ Are you finally falling for me? If then maybe you should consider saying yes to my propos----"

L/n was cut off when Akashi grabbed your hand in a nonchalant way and intertwining your fingers with his making you gasp.

"What's happening right now...? Am I dreaming...? Maybe I am... I can't keep up with today's miracles" L/n was left speechless as the two walk hand in hand as they make their way to L/n's house.

The two walked in silence, L/n's face being engulfed with a pink color while THE Akashi Seijuro continues to walk with an unnoticeable smirk.

When the two of you finally reached your house, he escorts you to the door and held out your bag,


You stood frozen as he smiles at you, the stars giving his charming face a clear view of his eyes.

'Wah.... so suddenly the night sky's so beautiful...'

'Should I expect a kiss? Today can't get any more weirder, maybe expecting a kiss isn't impossible!?'

Your train of thoughts get cut off at his next words,

"I'll see you at Monday L/n" he gently places your bag on your shoulder as he disappears from your line of sight.

"What just happened...?"

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