Simon's secret

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Baz was so speechless. He had never seen a human being so beautiful before wait what did I just think. He was losing it, her couldn't do this. Live next to his crush, and, it was even more humiliating that it was a boy.

Simon snow. Mages heir. Golden boy. And whatever else they wanted to call him.

It was supposed to be a quiet day away from snow, but no, the universe decided to torture him. Bloody hell let's get this over with.

"Alister Crowley Snow, do you have to barge in here like that every day. I mean, sorry your highness, you can do what you please. Wave to all your adoring fans. "Baz snickered, as simon turned a nice crimson color.

" That's not true baz. I'm not royalty, I have no adoring fans-well I do-but I don't pay them any mind, and stop calling me your highness. "Simon growled. Actually growled, baz was impressed.

" Whatever snow I have no time for you. So be quiet or leave with that girlfriend of yours, what's her name... Penelope. "

Simon looked stunned."What?! She's not my girlfriend she's just a friend. "

Baz loved rendering snow speechless, it was just so adorable. He would start stammering, then turn a very dark shade of red, and couldn't complete sentences even if he tried. It made baz want to just kiss him ah!! Bloody hell I need to get ahold of myself, baz thought. Just chill pitch.

"Whatever snow, I have not a bit of caring. You of all people should know that by now snow. After all we are enemies." Baz explained. But i wish we weren't.

"Baz?" Simon asked. Sounding disappointed.

Baz hated that sound on snow. He hated himself more that he caused it. He wanted to do anything to have Simon's normal voice back.
Even if that meant that simon would still hate him.

"Bloody hell what is it now snow?!" Baz could see simon wince at his words. It made him wince inwardly for simon.

"I...I mean..."simon was stuttering, and he knew it.

"Spit it out simon, I haven't got all day." Baz said.

"... Baz, do we have to be enemies. I mean, after all we are roommates. Can't we learn to get along." Simon said, a new blush forming upon his face.

"And why would I want that snow." I want that I want that, baz thought. "Alister Crowley snow, you're the mages heir. Everyone adores you, why do you need me in the bunch."

Simon was blushing even harder now. "I...I just don't want to be enemies anymore because-" simon stopped himself right there.I almost told him, simon thought. What is wrong with me?

Baz narrowed his eyes. "Because what snow?" Simon shook his head. "Fine if you don't tell me what it is, we will remain enemies." Baz had a smug look on.

Simon thought about it"I...I...I just can't tell you, yet. I'm sorry baz. "And with that said simon ran out of the room to go god knows where.

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