I Will

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After reentering his and baz's shared room he was meet with a concerned look. "Was baz OK?", he thought." Was it my fault? "

"Simon are you OK?" Baz asked. Since when is he nice to me?

"Yeah baz I'm fine. Why do you ask?" He wanted to know so he could do it again. Anything to make baz nice to him is something simon wanted to know.

"Nothing. Whatever" phew I didn't break him, baz thought." If you won't tell me why you don't want to be enemies anymore I can't help you. "

Really he's going to make me just say it? "Well...See...I...I..." Simon was stuttering.

"Bloody hell snow just spit it out!" Baz semi-yelled.

"Um...I...I like you." Simon turned away from baz. He was afraid of what baz would do. He was waiting for him to punch or spell him. None of that came, he looked up to find baz right next to him. When did he get so close?

"Simon," baz said putting a finger under Simon's chin. "Look at me."

"Baz I'm sor-" baz was suddenly really close. "Baz-"

Baz closed the last inch of space separating their lips. Simon kissed back, his hands finding it's way into baz's shift, black hair, pulling him closer. Baz leaned deeper into his roommate and Simon's back hit his pillows. The raven licked the others lips and the blonde obliged happily, parting his lips for baz's tongue to dart in and explore. He let out a moan because, Douglas j. Kenning, baz was a really good kisser.

Simon had snogged with Agatha but the feeling was nowhere near this. This kiss. This kiss was exactly what one would call a kiss that took your breath away. Baz's hand was still on his cheek, pulling him closer and angling his head so that his roommate have better access. Baz's other hand was beside Simon's head, supporting the raven's weight so he wouldn't crush simon under him.

They parted for air. Simon looked up at baz and that was all that it took. Baz kissed him again roughly. Not that simon mind. He wanted more of baz too. When baz's tongue entered his mouth a second time, he decided to fight back instead of staying still. Their tongues were fighting for dominance, and simon could taste the apple in baz's mouth. Baz won because simon couldn't think anymore. There kiss left him breathless and brainless. In Simon's mind it was just baz, baz, baz.

They broke the kiss and pressed their forward foreheads together, grinning. This is way better than dreaming and Agatha, he thought. They just need each other.

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