Goodnight, Sweet Enemy

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Aries falls to the ground, rolling and bumping into the debris and bricks.

"It seems you've grown stronger, Haru." He says with a weak tone as he coughs blood.

Haruki stands infront of Aries, staring blankly after brutally attacking him with a metal pipe.


"It's the end of the line for us," he points the pipe at Aries, making him smile.

"I knew that, that's why I left," he sighs, trying to regain his composure. Haruki doesn't move as he stares at his injured opponent.

Aries doubles over in his attacker's mercy, chuckling as he does so. "So, why don't we catch up a bit? It's been a looooooong time, Haru."

"I don't want small talk, let's speed up the process."

"Don't get hasty now; we still have some time left before the bomb wipes us all."

"Exactly, I need to finish this task quickly."

"Heh, it really has been a long time since I've seen you. I haven't heard of that determination in years!"

Aries takes out his knife and charges at Haruki, with him doing the same thing.

"Isn't this match a bit unfair?" Haruki questions whilst he dodges the sharp end of the blade

"Remember what Sagi and Aqua said?"

"Its always the same, "Never underestimate that blade of his.""

"Like always!" Aries aims for Haruki's chest, but he manages to dodge it making Aries cut Haruki's cape instead.

"Yeah, just like always.." Haruki mocks, swinging the pipe onto Aries' back.

"Urgh! Don't you dare play dirty-!!"

Haruki dodges the blade again, making Aries run into a mountain of junk. "Pfft-" the boy snickers at the sudden collapse of his enemy.

"Awwwhh.." Aries stands up, rubbing his head as he makes his way back to the battlefield with a faltered look plastered onto his face. "I guess you win, pipe boy."

"It was nice knowing you, Haru. May I never appear again in your life," he smiles at the sight of the agent lifting the pipe high into the air, ready to swing it.

"May I forget you forever, asshole."

"Say my name," Aries adds in, "don't ruin my death."

"...fine," Haruki sighs as he fixes the posture of the pipe.

"Sweet nightmares, Kayden. May you never exist again!"

With a strong swing, the pipe bashes Aries' head and leaves him bleeding on the ground with a grin. Haruki drops the pipe and picks up the last piece of information he needs from the man.

He checks his surroundings and rings the agency, walking away from the corpse.

"You are better off dead anyways."


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