Admiral Kizaru takes Action! Sabaody Archipelago thrown into chaos

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3rd pov :

The Human Auction House was surrounded by multiples marines, they were awaiting for the pirates to come out.

But they didn't seem to have seen somebody exit.

Sukuna was behind them and walked away from them, he had already got Mahito out and a good look at the three promising Supernovas.

He couldn't wait till the day they fought, he had a good eye to sense potential within someone and the trio didn't disappoint in that case. Especially the straw hat.

He walked till he saw Yorozu and Mahito standing behind one of the trees.

Sukuna:"Yo" he greeted them.

Yorozu:" How could you make me wait so long?!" She shouted at him, she wasn't very happy with him.

"Not only do you prohibit me from having some fun, but you also leave me alone with another man for so long!"

"Sometimes i wonder if you even love me in the first place" she says, fake tears coming out of her eyes.

Sukuna payed no mind to her, he was focused on his long lost friend? He doesn't have any friends but he does respect some people, which included Mahito.

The two of them stared at each other, a tense climate taking place, the persons that passed by weren't feeling very well.

It continued till Mahito broke the ice.

Mahito:"So... What happened to the "Love is worthless..." Sukuna I encountered?!" he said imitating Sukuna. He even used his devil fruit to change his face to match Sukuna.


Mahito:"Don't "huh?" Me! Every time we touched this subject you gave replies on the sad grade as an 100lvl edge lord!" He shouted.

"And now you've got a wife! Not a girlfriend, a full blooded wife!" He said pointing at Yorozu who was standing confused.

Sukuna:"Things happened" he gave an short answer.

Mahito:"Look! "Things happened" You know how lucky you are?!" He asked gravbing him by his collar.

Sukuna looked at Mahito's face and saw a torrent of tears.

Sukuna:"Are you jealous?" He asked with an mocking expression.

Mahito:"No, of course not" he whispered releasing Sukuna's kimono.

Sukuna:"Huh? What's that? No bitches?" He mocked the downed Mahito.

Yorozu:"Are you okay?" She asked the two of them. She was dumbfounded by how dumb the conversation was.

Sukuna:"Yes, and you get up, how did you get caught?" He asked making Mahito stand still.

Mahito:"I got bored" he explained plainly.

Sukuna:"What would you do if I wasn't here?"

Mahito:"I would've killed the person who bought me, and probably be captured again"

Yorozu:"That's dumb, are you really sure we need him?" She asked Sukuna, unsure if he was really that powerful or smart, really.

Sukuna:"Don't doubt my judgment, and anyways, he will prove himself today" he said grinning. The two of them were confused to what he was eluding to.

Yorozu:"What do you mean by that?" She asked him.

Sukuna:"Isn't it obvious? Today we hunt an Amiral" he reveals.

At the moment no one knew but his actions from onwards would truly change the whole world as we once knew it.


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