Chapter Twenty-five

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Avelus wasted no time in calling Vicidia. He was already halfway to Livi's place, but the timeline change was urgent news.

"What's up?" her voice came through.

He kept up his pace as he spoke. "Vee — I need you to get everyone together. Or, at least give them a heads up, okay?"

"Got it," she said. "What's the news?"

"We've gotta do it tomorrow," he revealed, hearing her pause. "So, we need to get our heads together and... let's just do a final review."

"Yeah, okay," she replied, her words slightly rushed. "You're coming here?"

"On my way," he confirmed. "See you soon."

Avelus hung up, his feet taking him across the level in a haze of muddled and panicked thoughts. He really didn't have any idea how this would play out. Surely they could figure something out, but his involvement would be more complicated than anticipated; he still had to find a way to get to the ship, and do so before Faust had a chance to fuck everything up. The cold dread in his chest worsened every time he remembered Vicidia would be on her own when it mattered most.

Vicidia opened the door for him once he reached the apartment, concern clear on her face as he stepped in. "Ez and Elina are on their way," she informed, watching him carefully. "Any trouble?"

"No, but—" he began, fumbling for the words. "I'll explain."

Vicidia nodded and followed him out into the living room, where Livi and Citra sat anxiously, waiting. All three pairs of eyes immediately found him as they fell silent, hands folded in laps and tail coiled over knees as they waited.

"Okay," he started, clearing his throat. "So we've got to leave tomorrow. No way around it. Faust isn't budging." He straightened his back, resting his hands on his waist. "...And I've got bad news. I won't be there to help Vee take care of security, because I've got to tag along with him and...

"Yeah," he finished, a palm finding his forehead. "I'm sorry, Vee."

"You're gonna be with Faust?" Livi clarified, her brow furrowing. "Avelus, we need you at the ship, otherwise we can't get in. It's your biometrics I'm swapping in, right?"

Shit — right. She's right.

"...Fuck," he cursed, his nose scrunching. "Yeah. It's a disaster. I'll find a way to make it back, I promise."

Vicidia crossed her arms. "Unless you're planning to off him, how are you getting back to the ship?"

He hated meeting her gaze; it was a terrible feeling, wanting to reassure her that everything would be okay, but knowing full well it was unlikely. He tried, though, forcing himself to keep his eyes up. "If I can, I'll make a run for it. Maybe I can lose him on the lift, or... I don't know," he muttered, shaking his head. "Something will come up, I'm sure. I'll be there."

"What exactly are you doing with Faust?" Citra queried.

It was an innocent enough question, but he knew the answer would raise more. His face fell into his hand as he thought of how he should proceed; how much should he say, or divulge?

Oh, fuck it.

"Remember when my ship was broken into, and I almost died?" Avelus prompted, his eyes finding Citra's, then Livi's. "We found the group responsible, and their base of operations. You can probably guess what we're planning to do about it."

He avoided looking at Vicidia; she already knew about Zev, but nothing about wiping out his crew. It wasn't something Avelus wanted to do, but it gave him a reason to get Faust away from his ship. Two birds with one stone, he supposed.

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