Chapter Twenty-seven

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"Alright, Vee," Avelus said, stopping in front of Livi's door. "Last chance to bail."

Vicidia suppressed a laugh, a sad gleam in her eyes. "Not bailing," she promised, letting her bravery form a thin smile. "You good?"

He seemed to falter for a brief moment, a moment's pause that brought on the hint of a frown — then smoothed it over with a shrug and his easygoing grin. "I'm either getting off this station or dying tomorrow," he mused dryly. "Either way, it'll be fun."

Despite his sarcasm, she saw past his put-on confidence, his sardonic humor. Avelus had been doing it all day: an odd quip here and there, comments that edged on cynicism but never dipped beyond the bounds of casual sarcasm. His hands remained planted in his pockets while the rest of him stayed nonchalantly idle, quietly working through his feelings.

She knew he'd mask his apprehension regardless, but she couldn't help but feel like he was trying to save her from worrying about it. While the newfound memory of her father weighed heavily on her mind, it was just another piece of the puzzle. With the danger she knew lay ahead, there wasn't much room to focus on anything new, as much as she longed to fill in the blanks. But even with their lives on the line — no, especially — Avelus's cocky personality shone under high-pressure, whether or not he was hurt or scared or tired. It was easy to deflect into bravado when the alternative was worrying, mulling, and stewing in anxiety.

But Vicidia wished he'd talk to her, spill everything and empty his head of whatever was brewing in there. So she held back her chuckle, giving him a sympathetic gaze as her ears laid back a little. "We're going to make it," she assured him, lifting a hand to his shoulder. "I know you're worried."

Avelus rolled his shoulders and looked away for a moment, trying to smile through it. "I'm not," he shook his head. "Just feeling the pressure."

"We're all worried, Avelus," Vicidia murmured, tightening her grip. "It's alright. You're not alone; we're part of a team now, and we've got each other's backs. This is the last hurdle. It's scary, but tomorrow we're all going to perform our best, and we're going to make it through. Avelus, I promise you—"

She was about to follow with some snarky comment, trying to lighten the tension, but Avelus pulled her into a firm hug before she could get the words out. When Vicidia processed the fact that his arms were around her, she wasted no time in bringing her own hands up, squeezing his back.

Vicidia noticed his tail wagging in her periphery, and she leaned her head into his chest, laughing quietly. "Now, that's more like it," she snickered.

"Vee," he said, pulling away enough to meet her gaze. "I'm alright. Really," he gave her a crooked smile, though the soft look in his eyes betrayed him as he glanced away. "But I... appreciate you looking out for me," he finished, his voice barely above a murmur.

She bumped noses with him playfully. "Someone's got to, right?" she asked, giving him a peck before stepping back.

"Yeah, well," he shrugged, lifting his wrist. Avelus took off his holo-tool, taking her hand and gently hooking it onto her wrist. "Be sure to fuck 'em up for me, yeah?" Avelus ordered softly, the levity in his tone holding a fragile edge. "Especially that guard at the front... he always gives me this nasty glare."

"Understood," Vicidia chuckled, a smile tugging at her lips. "Stay safe, Avelus. Don't do anything too stupid," she warned.

"When have I ever?" he argued playfully. His eyes glinted with sadness for a moment — a glance away, followed by an exhale. "Ah, sorry. I know we already said goodbye. I'll make this quick."

Avelus leaned forward, and in an instant his hands held her face, gingerly pulling her into a chaste kiss before placing one on her forehead. His palms lingered there as his icy eyes bore into hers, uncharacteristically warm for just a second longer.

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