Christmas Special

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*This is a special that takes a few months into Nunew's pregnancy. This is something that I made for Christmas.*

*Nunew's pregnancy: 7 months*

On Christmas Eve, Zee was working late. Nunew decided to make a dinner for him and Zee to spend on Christmas Eve.

A few minutes later, Zee got home.

"Hello sweetie." Said Nunew.

"Hey" said Zee

"Let's have some dinner, okay?"

Nunew pulled Zee's arm to lead him to the table to eat, but Zee refused to move.

"I'm tired. Can we eat tomorrow instead?"


"I said I'm tired. Don't you understand that?" Zee snapped at him.

Nunew was shocked. Zee didn't act this way during his pregnancy. It was the opposite. But he wanted to spend Christmas Eve with a dinner and a baby along the way.


Zee didn't say anything and immediately went up to their room leaving Nunew alone in the dining room. He broke in tears.

"Hia... I just wanted to spend Christmas Eve together with our little one... Is that a burden?" Nunew sobbed and put the dinner in the fridge and only ate a piece of bread.

"Sorry for not spending Christmas Eve with your daddy baby." Nunew said to the bump on his belly.

Nunew then got ready to go to bed in another room.

"Does he not want to spend time with me anymore?" Nunew thought. Then he went to sleep.

*The next day, Christmas morning*

Nunew woke up with puffy eyes. He went to the bathroom to wash his face. He wonders if Zee actually got him or the baby a present.

He went to the living room where the tree was and saw a lot of presents under the tree.

He went to the living room where the tree was and saw a lot of presents under the tree

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He was shocked. Then Zee came out and said, "Merry Christmas honey"

Nunew heart melted at his husband's sudden care and love.

"Hia... Thank you." Nunew said in tears.

They hugged and Zee helped Nunew sit on the couch. He gave Nunew a red box with a gold bow. Nunew opened it and in the box, there was a holiday hat and holiday shoes for their baby.

 Nunew opened it and in the box, there was a holiday hat and holiday shoes for their baby

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Nunew gasps tearfully. He took then out of the box and ran his hands and fingers over them.

"Hia, it's so cute."

Zee smiled and hugged Nunew. He then went to his belly and kissed the belly.

"Do you like it as well baby?"

Nunew felt a kick. "Well I think that the baby loves it."

Zee rubbed Nunew's tummy.

"Hia, why are you doing this for me? Didn't I make you angry yesterday?"

"Sweetie, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I know you wanted us to spend time together but I was frustrated from work that I yelled at you for no reason."


Why did I do that? I didn't mean it. Zee thought. Zee then heard Nunew talking and crying.

"Hia... I just wanted to spend Christmas Eve together with our little one... Is that a burden to you?" Nunew sobbed.

"Sorry for not spending Christmas Eve with your daddy baby." Nunew said to the bump on his belly.

Zee felt guilty. He only thought about work at the time that he didn't think about Nunew or their baby.

Flashback ends

"After I overheard you, I immediately felt bad. So I called Max, Nat, Net, James, Tutor, and Yim to give their presents for the baby to you. I even went to the store yesterday and bought the baby those clothes. I also had multiple presents prepared for you and the baby."

"Thank you Hia. I love you."

"I love you too Nu."

"I love you baby"

Nunew and Zee then unwrapped all the presents and had breakfast together. And throughout the whole day, they had some fun (if you know what I mean) and they slept soundly together. For Nunew, it was the best Christmas ever.

Hey guys. Merry Christmas! So, I've been gone for a long time and I'm sorry for that. I've been dealing with constant health anxiety and school so that shortens my writing time. But since winter break is here I'll try to update more. Plus, I've decided to add a hidden gender reveal in the manga image. If you can find out what was the gender of the baby in the manga, it's my gift to you. But don't reveal it too early. I'm planning on a gender reveal chapter later.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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