Doctor's Appointment

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Zee woke up in the morning. Nu was still sleeping on Zee's chest. Zee carefully moved and set Nu gently. He then when to Nu's belly and kissed it. Nu woke up from the kiss.

"Good morning hia.'

"Good morning Nu."

Nu smiled.

"Good morning baby."

Nu felt tears well in his eyes. Not only that but he was starting to feel nauseated. He went to the bathroom and threw up. Zee immediately went to the bathroom to help take care of Nunew.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm okay Hia."

"Good thing we're going to the doctor today."


Nunew was nervous about going to the doctor. He just hoped the baby will be okay.

*At the doctor*

When Nunew and Zee arrived at the doctor's office, Zee noticed that Nu was a bit nervous. He held Nu's hand and kissed it.

"It's okay Nu. You don't have to be nervous."

" I'm just worried about the baby."

"Don't worry. Our baby will be okay."

Then the doctor called Nunew and Zee into the doctor's room.

The doctor told Nunew to lay down on an ultrasound bed. The doctor then asked Nu to lift up his shirt. The doctor then put gel on his belly and started the ultrasound.

"Let's see...." The doctor said.

He saw on the screen his belly and there was a little dot on it.

"The baby is here. It's one month old." The doctor pointed to the little dot on the ultrasound screen.

Nunew and Zee gasped in shock.

The doctor then pointed to a small bump rising from it.

Nu gasped emotionally.

"Is that..."

"Yep, it's the baby's heartbeat." Then the appointment ended.

"Nu, don't worry. The baby is doing good. Just be careful not put on so much stress on you. It could result in a miscarriage. I'll also give you a book that will help you out with the stages of your pregnancy."

"Thank you doctor."

Nu and Zee then left the doctor and went back home. When they went back home, they immediately took out the book.

They spent the whole day reading it until Zee picked up Nu and carried him to the bedroom  and then they both went to sleep with relief. Relief that their baby is doing good.

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