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'Shinae, come here a moment.' 

My father decided to stop me on my way out of the house, calling over for me from the kitchen, so I turned around and made my way to him.


'Sit for a minute.' He points to the chair in front of me

'I need to get to school.'

'It will only take a minute. I promise.'

I sighed but I sat down as he asked me to, waiting for him to start telling me whatever it is that he stopped me for.

'It's about your... friend... Jimin.'

'What about him?' I sat up straighter, completely ignoring the way he said it so snarkily

'I sent a court invitation last night, and they have accepted it within an hour. First court hearing will be happening next week, Wednesday. Tell your little boy so we can make preparations. And make your own. I am not helping you with that.'

'He is not a little boy.' I correct him, 'And I wasn't going to ask your help with it. Everything will be ready. And he will be ready. Does that please you?'

'You may leave now.'

So fucking annoying.

I took my phone out as soon as I left the kitchen and dialed Jimin as I was walking to my car. It rang about 5 or 6 times before he answered.


The voice coming through the other end of the line was nothing I ever imagined hearing from him. I heard his morning voice many times, but this is on another level. Maybe it's because it's over the phone, but it's even deeper and huskier than I ever remembered it being. 

'Hello?' He repeated after I was too stunned to speak

'Ah, sorry Jimin, it's me. I'm sorry for waking you up so early.' I completely forgot it was barely 7 in the morning

'Shinae?' He mumbled my name in his sleepy state. 'It's okay. I don't mind. Is everything okay?' He sounded like he woke up a tiny bit, his words becoming a bit clearer

'I just wanted to let you know that the court starts next Wednesday. They accepted to appear.'

'REALLY?!' He suddenly woke up completely, and if I had to guess he was not even laying down anymore

'Yes, really.' I chuckled. 'I'll come to you after school. We have some things to go over.'

'Yeah, yeah, of course!'

'I'm sorry for waking you up. I forgot what time it was. Go and get some sleep and I'll see you later tonight. Bye, bye.'

'Wait!' He yelled into the phone so I paused


'Have... have a nice day. Bye.' 

And then he hang up. That was way too adorable for me. Damn it Jimin. I don't need to fall harder for you than I already have. After all, soon enough I won't even be able to see you anymore.


One long ass tiring school day, I drove myself to his place pretty much on autopilot. I wasn't even thinking of where I'm going. It's like my basic instinct is to go to the guys. And so is walking in on my own.

And apparently, it's a basic instinct for them to walk about naked.

Jungkook was just running up the stairs in nothing but shorts, and pretty much the only part I've seen were his back. He is probably mid gaming as he's yelling into his headset about not starting a round. Whatever that means.

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