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'...for the next week. Make sure you have the syllabus and use the sources. I want the cases presented professionally. Class dismissed.'

I woke up just as the bell rang and heard the last of the last parts as I tried to unglue a sheet of paper from my cheek from laying on it. I earned a few glances and snickers, but at least I wasn't the only one. There were a few more of us sleepyheads in here, so I felt less alone.

I collected my things and jumbled everything inside, not caring in the slightest if all of my stuff gets crumbled, and waited for the sound of chattering and footsteps to fade a little before making my way out. I just need some peace. Somewhere. Anywhere. God knows I get none at home.

With a heavy sigh, I made my way out of the building and took a deep breath of the fresh, spring evening air. The cold is finally subduing, and these long nights are shortening. Soon enough, I'll be able to spend more time outside of that hellhole that is supposed to be my home. Not that they should notice if I never came back. I could die now, and maybe they would notice in a month's time.

I drove home in absolute silence, enjoying not having a million voices in my head at all times and just thinking clearly. But that didn't last long.

The moment I walked through my front door, the same old familiar sound was ringing through the house. My incredible parents are showing love to each other once again.


'I'm sorry, Misses I can do whatever the fuck I want without consequences!'

'Oh, because you are such a saint!'

She screeched back at him, and I almost got ran over by a random guy that is most likely closer to my age than my mother's, running out of my house in nothing but his underwear, hugging the rest of his clothes to his chest as he ran. He didn't even look at me as he sprinted out, looking like he's seen a ghost.

'At least have the decency not to bring them around when I'm home!'

'Like you bring them at work?!'

Well... welcome home, Shinae.

These are my parents for you. Two people who never matured, in a loveless marriage. Two people who sleep with everyone but with each other. They don't even sleep in the same room. Haven't in years. And yet, they refuse to divorce, so they don't have to split their money. Cheap bastards. And they both have enough not to work a day in their lives if they choose not to.

Fuck this.

I turned on my heel and walked right out, heading in the most random direction. Anywhere but home.

I bought some food and sat on the bench by the river, eating while watching people walk by. Not in a creepy way, simply observing. Sometimes, you can clearly see what people are thinking about, even if they try hard to hide it. Like the couple walking by now.

The guy is looking at the girl with so much adoration as she's pointing at something in the distance, getting all excited. He reached for her hand but pulled back the moment she turned to him, hiding what he wanted to do with a big smile. They must be a new couple. Or he wants them to be one. And she doesn't notice.

I couldn't help but smile to myself when she gently pushed him away in her laughter, playfully punching his arm, and he beamed at her with pink cheeks, ruffling her hair.

I kind of feel like running in there and slamming their faces together. Just kiss already!

I might have watched too many dramas. I need to go before I let my intrusive thoughts win and do something stupid.

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