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hello everyone, I'm rewriting this because there are people who actually enjoy this and it's not fair that it's poorly written and also the writing style is embarrassing. So... readers of new and old, get ready for the tedious process of waiting for me to update all over again >:)

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On the day (Y/N) was meant to purchase her first car, school seemed to drag on agonizingly slow. Even in the last few minutes of the day, her history professor made a boy get up to do his presentation on his family genealogy. (Y/N) was certain it was about the most boring thing she was ever subjected to sit through. All throughout the boy's lecture, he tried to pawn his dead grandfather's belongings off to his fellow students.

(Y/N) knew Sam from elementary school, when everyone was still friends with everyone else. However, sometime between fifth and sixth grade, something shifted, and (Y/N) went with her own crowd, and he went with his. Although, she wasn't really sure if he had a crowd, anymore. He was always by himself. However, she thought it was because of the little stunts like the presentation that he had a bad habit of pulling.

Finally, the bell rang, and before Sam could finish, (Y/N) and the other students rose from their seats. The teacher was saying something about a quiz, but (Y/N) paid no attention. She hurriedly packed up all of her things, imagining what sort of car she'd be driving to school with the next morning. If she played her cards right, perhaps she might end up with one of the coolest cars on campus.

Everything was just so close in her reach: her freedom, her power, her very first car! But then, Sam Witwicky fell in tow with her.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" He said. "What, uh, what'd you think of the presentation?"

(Y/N) frowned, adjusting her hold on her book bag as she left the classroom. "What're you doing?"

"Just... small talk. Hey, I was wondering. You know, I've got these super cool glasses—"

"I don't want your grandpa's creepy glasses, Sam." (Y/N) rolled her eyes. She stopped at her locker to put a few textbooks away. "If you wanna sell them so bad, try a freshman. Now, I've got plans, so—"

"You don't understand how important this is!"

Perhaps she didn't, but frankly, (Y/N) did not care. For all she knew, the perfect car for her was minutes away from being bought by someone else. (Y/N) began to walk away, and Sam hurried to follow. She did not have the time nor the patience to deal with him. "Can you stop following me?"

"Just hear me out! I think we could have a good deal here."

"Look," (Y/N) stopped walking and dug around in her pocket. "Here's five dollars. Now will you please leave me alone?"

Sam looked genuinely surprised to see that she caved. He took the money graciously, staring down in awe. "You're a godsend."

(Y/N) clicked her tongue in annoyance and finally exited the building. She'd just barely made it down the school's front steps when Sam called out to her.

"Wait!" He ran down the steps. "Here, don't forget these!"

He held out the glasses. (Y/N) took them solely to appease him before carelessly tucking them into her bookbag's side pocket. Then she was on her way to her mom's car.

"You helped a boy's dream come true today!" Sam called after her. (Y/N) sighed, feeling everyone's eyes on her. If the students weren't all younger than her, she might've been embarrassed.

As soon as she got to her mother's car, (Y/N) got inside. She had no desire to talk to Sam any longer, and she had matters of her own to attend to. It was time to buy her first car!

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