the explanation you deserve

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Hey, its Ana.

So,, i've been idle for far too long with this book. I haven't updated since september of 2018, yet y'all still read this and ask for updates and are so kind and leave so much support. 


Any negative comments, however few and far between, intimidate me and make me have regrets. And you know I come back to re read my works to pick up where I left off and make sure I'm consistent, but honestly most of this was written in like 2015-16 when I first started writing and when I said every time I get on this app this story plagues me it's because I DON'T WRITE LIKE THAT ANYMORE! I've learned so much and I've matured a lot, it just physically hurts me to see what I used to put out there for you guys and uggggghhhhhhh I hate it. I didn't even proofread!

BUT I must remind myself that even though this is the bane of my existence, there are so many of you guys who like this, for some strange reason, and it isn't fair for me to just abandon something because it makes me uncomfortable. It's really an easy fix; just edit, Ana, come on. But when the writing hurts me so terribly that I want to scrap every chapter and start over from scratch, it really isn't editing. It's a complete rewrite. 

I'm gonna be completely straight with you. When I started this book, I just thought I could mosey on through by creating (Y/N) and just shoving her into the plot. If I could, I would take past me and smack sense into her. It's lazy. And going back, I find that the reader in this lacks personality. She's fiesty and brave, sure, but what elseeeee? 

God I just-- I guess what I'm saying is, I haven't abandoned this. In fact, for christmas, because every year I do some sort of special thing, I was going to completely finish this. It's still a goal, but I want to do something for all of my books, not just this one, even though you guys deserve the world and more. So I'm trying my best to get at least one update out by this week. But... I also kinda want to rewrite the entire thing...

But I just wanted to let you guys know what's up and tell you why I've been MIA, especially on this account. It's just, I'm not proud of anything I've created on here, and it's really hard when every single one of your works just embarrasses you because you wrote it so long ago.

I love you guys, and I still love transformers, and I love writing more than ever before. It's just a struggle, you feel me?

Anyway, happy Festivus, happy Christmas eve eve, and happy second day of Hannukah. I hope the holiday season is treating you well, and if not, I know families can be tough, and I am always, always here for you, even though I seem to disappear for months at a time (:

I love you all so very much, and see you soon. 

~ Ana 

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