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quick lil update for ya

also, if you like harry potter, over on my other account dixngelo I'm editing a harry potter x reader I did and I'm kinda super proud of how its coming out so if you're interested, check it out!

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It was a few minutes after midnight and (Y/N) was still working hard to finish her essay that was due in a few hours at school. She was already in her coziest pajamas and snuggled up underneath her favorite blanket and could not wait until she could finally call it a night and turn in. She had a very eventful day: school, car shopping, talking to friends, homework; she deserved a full eight hours as much as the next girl, but she was well aware the opportunity for that had long passed. Just a decent five hours would suffice.

When she finished her very rushed conclusion, she set her laptop on her nightstand and hurried to get cozy. However, she was not so lucky. Right when she got under the covers (Y/N) heard an engine start up just outside of the window. She glanced at her clock just to make sure it really was as late as she thought it was -- which, it was-- and knew that her parents had no business going out at that time of night.

She went to her window and peered outside just in time to see a familiar camaro pull out of her driveway.

"What the hell?" (Y/N) cast a glance over her shoulder at the keys laying on her nightstand and came to a conclusion at once: someone must've hotwired and stolen her brand new car.

"Dad!" (Y/N) slipped on a pair of tennis shoes and the first jacket she found before she stumbled down the stairs. "Dad! Someone stole my car!"

By the time she reached the front door, both her mother and father were emerging from the bedroom with tired expressions. "What?" Yawned her father, still trying to wake up and understand why his daughter was screaming at such an ungodly hour.

"Just--ah, call for help!" (Y/N) opened the front door. "I'm going after them!"

"Wait," Said her mother. "(Y/N), I don't think--"

But it was too late; (Y/N) was already out the door and on her bike, racing down the street in pursuit of her car.

The night air was cool and damp, and even though she was very tired, a rush of adrenaline allowed (Y/N) to keep up just enough to see which turns the car thief was taking. She followed, street after street, until finally they pulled into a junkyard just over the railroad tracks.

(Y/N) arrived as a train was passing, but she didn't have the patience to wait for it to slowly chug by. She pulled herself into an open car and then got out on the other side, leaving her bike behind in the dust. Then, she followed the tire tracks in the dirt, realizing for the first time how reckless it was of her to chase after someone brave enough to steal a car.

The thought of turning back crossed her mind. She decided the rational part of her was right. The cops would come, the car thief would be caught, and she could be safe at home waiting for just that kind of news with her parents. But, as soon as she turned to go, she saw a large shadow pass along the ground.

She turned around against her better judgment. Standing just on the other side of the junkyard was a giant yellow and black robot. (Y/N) hurried to duck behind the nearest overturned car to stay out of sight.

Of all the things she expected out of a car chase, it was definitely not the revelation that her car was alive. She tried to steady her breath and calm her wild thoughts. What if it wanted to hurt her? What if he was an alien calling to other aliens who were coming to take over the world? What if the other aliens were coming to take her and make her a new test subject?

"Holy shit," (Y/N) fixed her eyes on her reflection in the car's paint. "My car's alive... Holy..."

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by 'My car's alive, holy--"

"Shh!" (Y/N) rushed to pick up her phone and tuck it into her jacket pocket. Siri had a bad habit of turning on when (Y/N) didn't need her, and an excellent sense of bad timing.

She felt brave enough to peek out to see if the robot was still there, but it was gone. "Oh, crap..."

She crept out of her hiding space but didn't dare to move too quickly. In case the robot was lurking nearby, she didn't want to alert it to her presence. (Y/N) still didn't know what kind of robot it was, but good or bad, she wasn't taking any chances.

The exit was only a few steps away when two guard dogs started barking loudly at her. In the shadows, the looked more menacing than any other dog (Y/N) had ever seen. She picked up the pace to try and get away, but they didn't seem to like that. She heard something snap, and then their chains dragged along the dirt as they ran at her.

"Shit!" She turned around and ran as quickly as she could in the other direction. She didn't have the first idea where she was going, or if there was even a place to go. Not to mention she was a bit afraid to go anywhere because there was still a gigantic alien somewhere in her close vicinity.

(Y/N) found refuge in a barn for no more than ten seconds. As soon as she was inside, the same Camaro she was so nervous to see burst through the opposite wall. The dogs ran off in the other direction, and (Y/N) found another escape route, far away from big dogs and scary cars.

When she made it out of harm's way, she found a police car. She wasn't sure if they were there because her parents called, or because a nearby neighborhood filed a noise complaint. Nevertheless, (Y/N) ran to them, feeling out of breath, and very thankful.

"Excuse me!" She said, stopping just a few feet away from the squad cars to catch her breath. "Hi, I... This might sound really stupid--"

"Put your hands where we can see them!"

"What?" Despite her confusion, she obliged. On her list of things to do that night, getting in trouble with the law was definitely not one of them. "I'm not doing anything. I just--" Saying that she saw an alien robot that happened to be her car would probably get her in more trouble than it was worth. She did not need to endure a drug test that night, nor did she want to pay a visit to the station. She was exhausted, and at that point, she just wanted to go home.

"Just what?" Said an officer. She didn't sound very sympathetic.

Was that a test, (Y/N) wondered. Was she supposed to be silent until she had a lawyer? She'd never even been pulled over before, let alone held at gunpoint.

"My boyfriend dropped me off here," (Y/N) lied. Telling the littlest lie always came easy to her, especially when she needed to talk her way out of trouble. She only hoped that it wouldn't be anything incriminating. "We got in a fight and he made me get out of the car. Can I just call my mom?"

It was enough to get them to lower their weapons, but (Y/N) could tell the officers were not so convinced.

"Your boyfriend left you at a junkyard at three in the morning?"

"He's a piece of shit," (Y/N) shrugged. She remembered she was talking to officers. "Sorry," She was quick to say. "I didn't take or destroy anything. You can search me, but these--these dogs were chasing me--"

"Alright, kid," Said an officer. "Just get in the car. We'll take you home."

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