chapter 2

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olivia's pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm as I reached my hand out desperately hitting snooze.  I got up reluctantly and got out my outfit for school.  First day of junior year.

(this is her outfit you can change it if you want to;>)

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(this is her outfit you can change it if you want to;>)

I quickly applied my makeup and made my way downstairs to the kitchen where my parents were talking.

"Good morning beautiful."
My dad greeted kissing my head.
"Morning dad."
I greeted going over to my mom.
"Good morning sweetheart, have you heard anything about your audition yet?"
My mom asked me. A few days ago i auditioned for a new movie based off of the Taylor Swift album Folklore, I auditioned for the lead, it would be my first movie being the actual main character.
"Nothing yet but they said the latest I'll know will be tomorrow."
I told her hopefully, crossing my fingers.
"You'll get it sweetheart I know you will."
My dad told me giving me a small hug.
"Okay well I gotta go, I love you guys!"
I yelled picking up my backpack and leaving the house.

"Oh my god you took forever to get here, what's your schedule?"
Mckenna asked first thing as I entered through the front doors of the school giving a small smile to the two security guards standing at the doors. 
"Hello to you too."
I told her sarcastically, I handed her my schedule to examine it.
"Oh thank god, we have all the same classes."
Mckenna sighed. I giggled and took back my schedule as we started walking to our first period class.
"So have you heard anything back about your audition?"
Mckenna inquired. I sighed shaking my head 'no'.
She replied.

We walked into Mr. Daniels class which was our 1st period.  And like always he was in a very bad mood.
Me and Mckenna sat next to each other at a table and started talking about random stuff like our classes this year and upcoming movies we had, normal stuff... Well normal stuff for teens that are famous at least.  Anyways when Mr. Daniels heard us talking his head immediately snapped at our direction.
He snapped.
"Geez buzzkill."
Mckenna mumbled to me causing me to snort a laugh.
He yelled at us slamming his hands down on his desk causing the whole class to stare at us.
"Sorry Mr. Daniels."
We both said awkwardly at the same time.
The class turned back to him as he began to explain his syllabus.


"Having Mr.Daniels first period should be an actual crime.  He is oh my god boring and mean and his subject has to be math!"
Mckenna cried as we sat down at our normal lunch table with Ariana.
"I'm actually lucky this year, I have Ms.Roberts.  She's actually the best."
Ariana boasted.
"Shut up before I dump my food on you."
Mckenna deadpanned.
"Guys please just sit."
I pleaded pulling Mckenna down with me as I sat down.
"Okay geez."
Ariana laughed. We all sat down and started eating our food and talking about our days. That was till my phone gave a ding signaling a notification. I quickly pulled out my phone to check it. I was an email... from the casting director.
"What is it?"
Mckenna inquired.
"It's the casting director."
I told the girls nervously.
"Well don't just stare at it, open it!"
Ariana persisted. Shaking me excitedly.
I took a deep breath and opened the email.

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