chapter 3

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Dear miss Olivia Blunt,
Be at Hollywood studios tomorrow at 7:30 am for cast reading and rehearsal for the production of Fierce Hearts.

Paramount Studios.

I read the email to Mckenna and Ariana as we were packing our clothes while going over lines.
"Oh my god I seriously can't believe we're finally in a movie together!"
Mckenna cheered throwing her clothes into a suitcase.
"It's about time."
I told her slightly chuckling to myself.
"I'm seriously going to miss you guys so much."
Ariana pouted sitting in one of the chairs in my room. My mom came into my room leaning on the doorway.
"Ariana why didn't you audition? I'm sure the girls would've loved to be with you."
My mom asked.
"Ah I was already booked for a new movie, for guardians of the galaxy four, it's about Gamora's backstory."
Ariana explained.
"Oh well that's fun!"
My mom told her.
"Yeah I have to leave for production next week anyway."
Ariana said looking into my mirror.
"Yeah she's gonna be green again."
I teased.  Ariana stuck her tongue out at me.
"Shut up."
She laughed.
"She's the grinch!"
Mckenna added making Ariana throw her shoes at us.
My mom left my room letting us continue packing. After she closed the door Ariana turned back to us.
She deadpanned causing us to burst out into laughter. 

Ariana left around 10:30 pm to go back home as Mckenna stayed at my house since we both hand to board the plane at 4:00 am which should be actually illegal. But in the meantime we just studied our characters.



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