Halley's comet (i rsn iut of title ideas..)

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Soon enough, it was the Day of Jing Yuan's concert and the Day of his Album release, "Halley's Comet"

And of course Blade who was one of his first Fan (literally) bought the tickets and of course he was Screaming as if he was some school girl which is way out of character for him, well..who wouldn't i mean This is Jing yuan were talking about that man would do anything for him, Ruin his Reputation, ruin his trust with Elio who's his manager( his ass became a idol like him) and overall he'd do anything for him which is quite delusional even he finds it weird but..that's besides the point for now his currently getting ready to head to his concert wearing one of his best outfit obviously to impress his soon to be husband, and also trying his best to look normal (his ass was not dressed normal) as he wore a black skintight turtleneck sweater( or wtv it was called) low grey Jean's and for accessories, glasses and a black mask to hide his identity as a popular Idol.

"1 Hour later"

He finally made it to the concert a bit late, since there was traffic jam but for now that doesn't matter the thing that matters now is.., the fact that him and Jing Yuan and well some people setting up the stage, as much as he loves Jing yuan, he hates but hates interacting with others to the fact that he'll pass out but maybe he won't notice him i mean..he is dressed up in all black right..? (his ass noticed him)

Jy: well then, someone came here a bit earlier than expected, i hope you don't mind the fact that the stage isn't ready yet..

The Man said, seeming quite awkward yet lively, well of course his like a sun quite energetic and Bold and..quite fuckable, Anyways!

Blade: Thats completely fine, i don't mind Waiting all day, even century's and decades.

What an idiot he is, Jing yuan probably thinks his some one of those..weird fan of his, he isn't wrong but it took all his might to start a conversation with him, he really is Quite irresistible with the way he looks at him. (his delusional trust)

Jy: Quite a patient one aren't you? But..im Quite Glad your willing to wait.

Blade: no Big deal, besides i have nothing else to do

And with that, the two of them were talking to each other enjoying each others presence and maybe..even tease each other, which backfired as Jing Yuan's concert was about to begin.

Jy: Quite a shame, i Quite liked talking to you well then..business is business.

The man said and began walking away in defeat as for Blade..he was a blushing mess and practically Wanting to burst but he wouldn't let that show as it'll ruin his Reputation and make a fool out of himself

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