Christmas Special

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// this isn't a request but i really wanted to write something christmas related for this au because i love christmas and i love this au. ignore how late for christmas this is. 

this takes place during 'the end of yardale' right before the point where gregory comes back and can be canon if you so choose it to be  //

Christmas Eve was a day of excitement and chaos for people all around. Some loved Christmas and some hated it, but overall the large majority could deem it an influential holiday. In the house of Brimmy and Dogpoo, which a large group had been living in for quite some time for safety, this Christmas would be unforgettable. 

"All I want for Christmas is a Red Ryder BB Gun." said Dogpoo. 

Brimmy sighed, then said, "Dogpoo, you can't have that. You'll shoot your eye out."

"But it would be so cool for my gun collection!" Dogpoo argued. 

"Well it's already Christmas Eve and there's not much more time to buy presents. Plus, don't you own enough guns already? You don't need another life-threatening gift." said Brimmy. 

"Fine. I'm gonna go finish wrapping presents." Dogpoo stated, swiftly making his way to his own room. 

"You go do that." replied Brimmy. "It doesn't seem like many of us have plans that would interfere with you wrapping presents right now." 

Damien, the ironically Christmas-loving king of Hell, then said, "Actually, I had some plans for us." 

"Why?" asked Mole, who was, in contrast, a Christmas-hater. "Christmas is just some stupid holiday to celebrate Christianity.  

"It's okay to celebrate Christmas if you aren't Christian." said Rebecca. "It can just be a fun tradition. Besides, most of the things celebrated during Christmas are based on the pagan winter solstice. It's not entirely Christian." 

"It just feels wrong to celebrate it without- him." said Mole, referring to Gregory's absence. "He loved Christmas." 

"Okay?" questioned Damien. "Gregory would probably want us to celebrate it. I'm not gonna spend my Christmas crying over him, dude." 

Mole sighed. "Whatever. What were your stupid plans?" 

Damien then pulled out several shiny tickets from his pockets. "We're going on the Polar Express."

Mark then turned and raised an eyebrow. "What the fuck is the Polar Express?"

Smiling, Pip said, "I've never heard of such a thing, but it sounds quite fun!"

"A train to the North Pole? To see Santa himself? Literally the best trip ever? You've never heard of it?" Damien asked. 

"No, I haven't, because I'm not a Christmas-obsessed idiot." stated Mark. 

Damien gasped. "You're definitely on the Naughty List." Then, moving on, he said, "The train could show up at any ti-" A loud horn-like sound was heard outside, interrupting Damien and causing his expression to light up. "It's here." 

"Wait- it just shows up at our house? And we just get on with no questions asked? Is this not suspicious at all?" Brimmy quickly questioned. 

"Nope." Damien said, beckoning everyone out of the house and onto the train. The whole group made their way out and onto the train, handing in their tickets to some man at the entrance.

One person, though, had not made their way onto the train with the rest. Dogpoo, confusedly leaving his room after hearing the loud train leave for the North Pole, found himself home alone. 

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