001|Day of the Dumpster

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"Sometimes I always thought that I was the family favorite I guess I'm not anymore since my little sister was born I was ignored by my own family, thanks to that spoiled brat and sister  Rebekah Mikaelson

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"Sometimes I always thought that I was the family favorite I guess I'm not anymore since my little sister was born I was ignored by my own family, thanks to that spoiled brat and sister  Rebekah Mikaelson. Who ruined my life and took the only people who loved me before you came along." -- Julianna Mikaelson

" -- Julianna Mikaelson

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"Angel Grove Radio

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"Angel Grove Radio." A woman sang on the radio.

 A sign with the words Angel Grove, Youth Center, Gym, and Juice bar. "It's a stupendous Saturday in Angel Grove and the big hello goes out to Ernie and the kids at the Angel Grove Youth Center, Gym, and Juice bar." The announcer said on the radio. "Keep the fruit shakes flowing Ernie."

Julianna's POV

I was minding my own business behind the counter until a girl in yellow came up to me, I think her name is Trini she is in my history class but I don't speak to anyone due to my boyfriend Mason's rules. Rule 1. Never be friends with boy or else I get beat to death again for the seventh time today.

"Hi, can I get a banana smoothie," Trini said, smiling at me from over the counter.

"Sure thing that will be $7.23," I said, taking the money, putting it in the cash register, and making her smoothie. After that, I was finished with her smoothie and Then I handed it to her.

"Thank you and haven't I seen you around school before," Trini said, looking at me and drinking the smoothie that I made for her.

"Yeah, I'm in your history class," I said, smiling at her

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