010|For Whom the Bell Trolls

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Annie's POV

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Annie's POV

I was sitting down in Ms. Appleby class behind Kim and also feeling little hungry as I look at Jason who is already looking at me. and i mouth him 'I'm hungry and he said 'wait until we get to the youth center' and i nodded at him as i turn my head, and Ms. Appleby said something.

"Class" she said. "alright class, today we begin hobby week and to start us off Trini has volunteered to share her interest with us. Trini?" she said calling Trini up to the front of the class.

"Thanks Ms. Appleby." as she said that she roll in a cart of idk what they are. "i want to show you guys my collects of dolls. It represent many cultures around the world." she said. "This doll here is from Japan it wear a authentic kimono. " she said as skull said something.

"yea cute." skull said, being rude to Trini's dolls.

"hey can you guys be quite she trying to show all of us something maybe you two can actually  learn something for once."  I said, causing everyone to laugh at them as zack high-fived me and laugh too.

"how about you be quite nerd/fat girl." bulk said, as him and skull laugh.

"Bulk how about you watch who you are talking to." Jason said, as him and zack look at him.

"ah this is my favorite out of all them Mr. tickle sneezer it belonged to my mother when she was  little girl. legend has it that Mr. tickle sneezer has own unique power he can capture things and put them in a magic bottle." Trini said looking at everyone.


"I never got to play with dolls when i was a little girl." Rita said, looking though her telescope. " who had the time, i had to learn evil spell and how to be bad while she play with dolls all day. that Trini has had it." she said in angry tone.

"Mother there is something that you should know." Mason/Ryan said, to his mother who is down at earth.

"What is it my son." she said, looking at her son.

"That the purple ranger is pregnant with the red ranger's child mother." mason/Ryan said, as his mother looking at her son with a smirk.

"so the purple ranger is pregnant ahh i know what to do with her just wait my son." she said to her son. as her son nodded at her.


"Alright Jason you're next with your hobby." Ms. Appleby said. Then Jason show his hobby then zack then Kim then Billy lastly me.

"okay everyone i kind of have two hobby if i can show them Ms. Appleby." i said, looking at ms. Appleby who told everyone to move there desk back just little bit so there can be space for me. " first i did cheer let me show you." i said as i did back handspring front layout with I land it perfectly as the whole clapped for me. " and the second is also Kimberly's hobby gymnastics let me show you." i said.

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