009| I, Eye Guy

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Annie's outfit^

Annie's outfit^

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Annie's POV

The Rangers were in Billy's lab, along with his young friend Willie, who was a mini version of Billy, without the glasses of course. Willie held a device in his hand as he and Billy stood away from the others. Annie was eating some potato chips with whipped cream earlier and she is still hungry

"I hope this is going to work," Willie said.

"Oh come on," Billy said, putting a hand on Willie's shoulder. "You gotta have faith. Just relax, alright?"

"Okay," Willie said.

"Alright, let's go," Billy said.

They both came over to the others.

"Goggles on everyone?" Billy asked.

"Cool," Trini said looking at her goggles. "This is morphenmonal."

She then put hers on, as the others already had.

"Okay! Here it goes." Willie said.

He pressed a button on the control he was holding and then a machine on the table started. They all then saw themselves riding a roller coaster, even though they weren't on one.

"Whoa!" They all shouted.

"This is unbelievable!" Jason shouted. "Whoa!"

"Pretty incredible!" I shouted.

"Oh, get me off this thing!" Kimberly yelled.

"Hold on!" Jason shouted.

"Whoa!" They all shouted.

"Yeah!" Zack shouted.

"I'm getting dizzy! Stop the game!" Kimberly cried.

"Ending interactive sequence," Willie said as he turned the machine off.

They then took their goggles off.

"That was intense," I said in unison.

"Willie, you invented this game?!" Jason shouted.

"Yeah!" Willie said. "I'm entering it in the Junior Science Fair."

He then looked at his watch.

"Speaking of which!" He said.

"Right! We don't want to be late for the competition." Billy said, before putting it in a box.

"You'll win first prize, Willie," I said. "And I'll get a picture of you and your trophy when you win." as I took out the bag of potato chips and whipped cream and Jason was looking at me weirdly.  

"Thanks, Annie," Willie said.

In the palace, Rita was laughing before she turned around on the balcony.

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