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"Well, Tiffany Hudson's not the only dead thing around here," George complained, pointing out the vacancy of The Claw

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"Well, Tiffany Hudson's not the only dead thing around here," George complained, pointing out the vacancy of The Claw. Rory was finishing up folding napkins around silverware when she joined the group at the counter.

Bess was wiping it down when she held up her hand with wide eyes, "I—too soon,"

"Is it? Don't just stand there guys, post something on Yelp,"

"What do you want us to post?" Nancy countered. "We promise our waitstaff didn't murder anyone?"

Rory sucked in her lips trying to hide her smile. Even though she hated the idea of people thinking that she was capable of murder, she knew how to laugh at a joke.

"We all know who murdered Tiffany," Bess stated. "Dead Lucy, we have it all on video. What did the cops say when you showed them?"

"I didn't show them," Nancy said.


"All they would do is take my phone away and log it as evidence,"

"Anyway, kids have been making fake Lucy videos for years. McGinnis wouldn't believe her," Ace stated.

"Well, won't we know more soon? Aren't they gonna do an autopsy?" Bess asked.

"I overheard that the Hudson family got a judge to block it," The redhead answered. "They're moving the body tonight, which is exactly what you would do if you were trying to cover up a murder,"

"You're looking in the wrong place, Drew. Ryan Hudson wouldn't kill his wife," George retorted.

Rory couldn't help but pick up on the Fayne girls protective tone whenever Ryan Hudson was mentioned.

"Why is his family trying to hide behind a special autopsy?" Rory asked.

"So you can doctor the results. Hide the truth," Nancy said. "I mean, I'm willing to bet if they've got a judge in their pocket, they've got that coroner in New Hampshire, too. Although...if we had someone...say a forensic chemist who owed you for solving a perfume-related mystery for him in the ninth grade, he could perform the same kind of toxicology tests for you,"

"That's a very specific hypothetical," Ace said.

"Yeah," Bess mumbled.

"I—it may not be a full autopsy, but it could be enough to figure out how Tiffany died. All I'd need is some of her blood,"

"And how are we gonna get some of her blood?" Rory furrowed her brows. The thought of taking a dead person's blood making her face scrunch in disgust.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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