Gamera wakes up/meets Godzilla

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It was 2019 and King Ghidorah had been awakened and defeated by Godzilla. When King Ghidorah did his alpha call, Gamera woke up. Gamera was not pleased by some random kaiju in his eyes,  waking him up from a nap. Gamera just looked up to his surroundings from where he was in the hollow earth. He was still in a cave, a cave where a group of people once lived. Gamera was saddened by this. He failed his one job.

'I'm still sorry that I failed all of you' Gamera thought to himself.

Gamera turned his head to the front of the cave.

'Entrance is still blocked...good' Gamera thought with some hope that no one can hurt him or what's remaining of the ones who made him.

Gamera's mind then went to the alpha call. Gamera didn't fully hear it from the hollow earth but he knew it didn't mean well. Gamera just stayed put where he was.

One week later

Godzilla was in the hollow earth to see how it was doing after King Ghidorah. Godzilla came up to a cave that had a lot of rocks in front of the entrance. The rocks were scattered on the ground, like someone was coming out of their home. When he looked inside, he saw a turtle with a dead bat looking thing. Godzilla walked in and the turtle turned his head to look at him in fear.

"Hey kid, who are you?" Godzilla asked Gamera.

"Gamera" he said, defeated. "And you?" Gamera asked.

"I'm Godzilla, the king of the monsters" Godzilla chuckled. "And what's with that?" Godzilla asked Gamera, pointing the dead Gyaos.

"A Gyaos" Gamera replied.

"Huh, interesting" Godzilla said. "Why are you here by yourself, kid?" Godzilla asked.

"I just am. Alone with the Gyaos and-" Gamera started but stopped by getting lost in thought.

Godzilla tilted his head to the side. Gamera was remembering something from the time before now. When he was made, there was a snake made a few months before him. He remembers that he and the snake were close. That was till the Gyaos came.

"GAMERA" Godzilla raised his voice a little to shake Gamera out of his thoughts.

"And Gara...sorry" Gamera replied.

"Gara??? Who's that?" Godzilla asked.

"A dear friend of mine, she's lost and I don't know if she's dead or alive" Gamera replied.

Godzilla knew that feeling, he had so many family members that he had no clue what happened to them.

"I know how that feels, all too well, kid" Godzilla said.

"I guess..." Gamera sighed.

"I will try to keep an eye out for your friend, kid. I'm already checking this place out after King Ghidorah alpha call" Godzilla said.

"Really!?!?" Gamera happily said.

"Sure thing, kid. Just tell me what she looks like and if I do see her then I will tell her to come here" Godzilla proudly told to Gamera.

"Ok. She's taller than me, she's a green snake with a yellow under belly and yellow eyes. Her full name is Garasharp" Gamera happily said.

"Ok, got it. I'm going to head out. I will keep an eye out, ok" Godzilla chuckled.

"Ok. Bye-Bye" Gamera happily said.

"Bye kid" Godzilla chuckled.


I wanted to give a little of a child like wonder to Gamera a little since he hadn't had a lot of experience yet. And Godzilla will call Gamera a kid because Gamera is younger than Godzilla.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter of this remake.

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