Gamera help's and more family

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I am doing this after I saw Godzilla x Kong the new empire.


Gamera woke up when the sun was rising. He felt a rush of pain go up his shell. Gamera looked next to him to see Garasharp. He woke up Garasharp.

"Gara, wake up, please" Gamera pleaded to awakening Garasharp.

"Yes Gamera, what is it?" Garasharp asked.

"I feel pain and feel cold. She needs help" Gamera said on the verge of tears.

"Who needs help?" Garasharp quickly asked.

"That lizard that we saw Godzilla fighting. She needs help" Gamera said.

"Ok, we are going to help her then" Garasharp said as an attendant to calm Gamera.

Gamera looked happily up at Garasharp. Rodan then landed next to the two with food he caught. Gamera and Garasharp quickly ate some food and Rodan picked up on it.

"Slow down kids take your time. What got you two in a hurry?" Rodan jokingly asked.

"We are going to help the ice kaiju that Godzilla fought" Gamera told Rodan.

"Wait you going against Godzilla?" Rodan fearfully said.

"No. The ice kaiju is being forced to fight Godzilla. I know. I saw that ape guy used this weird rock to make her do things" Gamera said.

"You got one watchful eye Gamera. I didn't catch that" Garasharp complimented Gamera.

"Thank you" Gamera replied.

"No problem" Garasharp replied back.

"So you want to help this kaiju that you don't even know?" Rodan asked.

"Yes. It's the right thing to do" Gamera said.

Rodan thought for a second. He looked up at the two with a concerned look.

"Are you sure you want to help?" Rodan asked.

Both Gamera and Garasharp nodded. Rodan looked down and sighed.

"Welp, not the first time I disobeyed orders" Rodan chuckled. "Let's help" Rodan said with pride.

Gamera and Garasharp looked happy. Gamera laid flat on the ground to go into jet mode. He remembered all the training that Rodan taught him in flight. Garasharp went to the ocean and Gamera and Rodan took off in the sky. Rodan and Garasharp followed Gamera, trusting him to take them where be.

Godzilla and Kong were fighting Scar King and Shimo. Scar King had the upper hand because of Shimo. Soon Garasharp, Rodan, Gamera arrived at the scene. Gamera landed near a vortex and looked inside to see an ape kid coming through. Gamera and the kid looked at each other. Gamera saw that this kid had Kong's ax. The ape kid, named Suko was pointing at a crystal. Gamera picked up Suko and ran on all fours to use his body to protect Suko. Garasharp and Rodan were helping Kong and Godzilla. Gamera got Suko to the crystal. Suko jumped up with the ax and destroyed the crystal. From that, Shimo was free from Scar King. Shimo froze Scar King and was killed.

Godzilla fully saw Garasharp, Rodan, and Gamera. Rodan and Garasharp quickly bowed to Godzilla, mostly out of fear. Gamera didn't, he just waved and hugged Godzilla. The hug caught Godzilla off guard.

"Kids, Rodan, what the hell?" Godzilla angrily said, mostly to Rodan.

"I am so sorry Godzilla. I want-" Rodan started before getting cut off

"Rodan, don't take the blame. I started it. I had us come here. I should be the one getting into trouble over this, not you" Gamera said with a sad smile to Rodan

If Gamera was in the monsterverse (remake)Where stories live. Discover now