01. the other woman

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"YOU'RE SENIORS NOW, I expected better," Ms Clementine sighs, rounding her desk at the front of the class. "Hopefully by our next class, you'll all have your summer reading done."

There's a chorus of "yes" in our English class before the bell rings dismissing them all. I hang back purposefully packing the things in my pencil case at a slower rate.

The group I'd sat beside lingered at the door as a nice gesture but I waved them off with a soft smile. Don't get me wrong they're really nice, but it's obvious that they latched onto me because of Amos — that's been a constant over the past two years.

It was bad when we first stated dating and all of a sudden I'd gotten an influx of attention from people I'd never really known. The boys from the football team, their girlfriends, friends, and everyone else that came along with it.

"Lola, is there anything you wanted to speak to me about?" Ms Clementine asks, brushing a strand of her short black hair up with the rest of it.

"Uh yeah actually," I swiftly grab my pencil case and my books before approaching her. "I was just wondering if there was a word count with the piece, and if there was any type of leniency?" Our first project of the year is bound to be a creative piece based off the novel we've read and if I'm smart enough I'm hoping to get that done before feeling overwhelmed with all the other projects I'm yet to be assigned.

"You know I can't share that information with you Lola, but I enjoy the enthusiasm."

I cock my head, knitting my brows together with desperation, "But Ms Clementine it's so obvious that it's going to be our first assignment. We do it every year!"

Her dark black eyes flicker to her laptop and she begins to shut it closed, I watch intently as her slender tan fingers rest on the laptop. "As much that is true, it'd put a disadvantage on the rest of the class."

I'm about to argue but her eyes flicker up to mine and she gives me a look that notifies me whatever else I might say won't work. I sigh, picking my battles. There's no way I can afford to get on Ms Clementine's bad side at the very start of the year.

Not before I ace that assignment at least.

"Fine, but don't say I've never been proactive."

There's a bubble of laughter that sprouts from the short woman, "No, I don't think I can so that."

With a small nod, I mutter a "goodbye," and walk out to the hallway.

The usually jostling hallway is eerily quiet as I enter through it.

"Babe!" Amos's familiar voice calls out from behind me, I turn my head to face him and feel as the claw clip in my hair begins to slowly fall at the movement.

Silently cursing, I dig my free hand into my curly hair to reposition the clip.

"Hey Amesy," I greet with a grin. He's wearing his black RL shirt that I love topped with his letterman jacket. He's filled out his body since junior year, and quite nicely. Amos is the kind of guy that looks so big and firm but he's just a bear. He really is sweet.

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