Together Forever ( A Justin Bieber love story )

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Okay, so for everyone who is reading this book, Yes it starts out different, it dosent get striaght into justin bieber, sorry(; so please dont stop reading this story becuase it doesnt get as into justin bieber in the beginning as most JB stories do. and also please dont jugde the book by the first chapter, trust me, this story is gunna get JUICY(; but enough about me commenting like crazy and making you wait to read the story! (; and to all the people who read my story and keep reading to the end, and the people who just read this! I <3 YOU. haha. (: thanks ya'll ! <3


"Pass the ball Becky!" My coach screamed at me. I ran up, kicked the ball to the center where my team mate Mandy kicked it in the net.

"Teamwork, It always pays off." My coach congradulated Mandy and I.

"Yeah lets see if we can keep it up for the last 10 minutes of hell." I said breathlesly.

We had been playing this game, since it felt like forever. Hottest day of the summer, no subs and short one player. Yet we are still in the lead by 2 goals. Lets just say we get pushed alot. We are trained to keep up our stamina. The foot work just comes naturally. When you have been playing soccer ever since you were 4 you learn things.

My life is basicaly about soccer, my world revloves around it. that and I am in love with Justin Bieber, o come on, name one girl who isn't. Ha, yeah i knew you couldn't.

"Pass!" I yelled to Courtny.

She didn't listen, ran straight up to the goal and lost control of her footing. She found herself on the ground buckled up in pain.

The other team ran the ball back and scored. Great.

"Are you okay?" I said runnng up to Courtny. Frankly I didn't care if she was. She was a ball hog, always playing it big, never could keep up to her word though. Big shot.

She swore something into the ground and looked up at me. she shook her head and mouthed no.

"What the hell, nothing happened to you, you just fell down, get up we still got 7 minutes."

"I can move," she said fakely crying. "I think I twisted my ankle."

"You've got to be kidding me!" I yelled to myself.

Coach came running up from behind me.

"What's wrong?" She asked worried.

"Oh nothing, just shes faking about twisting her ankle."

"Becky keep your trap shut." She yelled at me.

"I don't think i can play anymore coach!" Courtny said again, weeping. "My ankle is killing me."

"You can't play for 7 more minutes?" The coach asked concerened.

She shook her head and a whole set of tears started to fall from her face.

"What's going on." The ref came over and asked.

"We have no more subs, and our player is injured."

"Well, it looks like you are going to have to forfeit. You have no more players."

Thats when i lost it. I ran back up to our bench, grabbed my water bottle and bag and headed off towards my car, my team mates screaming at me the whole way. What did I care we were going to have to forfeit anyway

Courtny has always been that way. Theres just no way to describe her.

I took my long brown straight hair out of its ponytail and walked along the parking lot heading towards my car. I felt someones eyes watching me.

"Your pretty strong to ditch your team like that you know." Said an unfamilar vicie from behind me.

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