Chapter 16-part 2

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"Oh my, this cake is amazingly amazing Becky:" Ryan said to me while scarfing down his third piece.

"Clam down your you'll choke." I said.

As if on cue he started coughing and holding his hands up to his throat. Jess was patting him, well, almost like punching him on his back trying to get whatever piece of cake that was stuck in his throat come out, where asJustin and I were clutching our stomachs in laughter.

"It's not funny guys!" Ryan said while panting. His piece of cake had landed right in front of him.

 "Yeah, sure!"Justin said between laughs.

I grinned and placed my hand in his intertwining our fingers. He squeezed my hand and gently rubbed his thumb over my thumb.I looked down at our hands, being with him just felt so right.

"Oh my! you guys are so cute together!Just wait until you get married and have ki-"

"Grandma, will you not!" I yelled, feeling my face turn red. Justin ckuckled beside me.

"Listen Becky, I'm not saying do the dirty deed now but in the futu-"

"Grandma!" I whined.

"Mum, maybe lets save this topic for after." My mother cut in. I gave her a thankful look. She winked back at me.

 "Awks." Jess started our of nowhere. 

I bit my tounge to keep from laughing, it looked like everybody was doing the same.

 The screams of a little girl close by brought me out of my laughing state. 

Naturally I shut up and started to freak out on my own wondering if the girl was okay. What I wasn't expecting was for her to come running into my back yard screaming like she was acting scared. I couldn't help but notice her appearence, she lookd like a mini version of me, if I was her age we would have loooked identical. 

The small nose and broad smile of her playful face flashed up at me and again I was startled by the appearence. The only thing that looked different between me and her was our hair colour. Her's was a lighter brown where as mine is dark brown. I stared into her curious eyes. She couldn't have been over eight years old. 

Just then a tall handsome man walked in my backyard. His broad shoulders stood out to make him look like a football player. He had dark brown hair like mine and a small worried expression on his lips. I looked up into his bright blue eyes which seemed to have already been at mine. 

You know most time when a strange man comes into your back yard out of nowhere you run and scream with your hands over your head wondering if you'll die in 2 minutes. The chances of a strange man coming into your backyard are very slim to none so technehally I hadn't actually practiced what I would do if he tryed to attack me.

As I though on the spot, I could throw Justin in front of me to protect me. I mean he thinks he's all that, well he is almost all that.

Was I supposed to feel scared? I guess. Was I? No. Something deffinatly wasn't right here. The daughter and him looked to familur.

"Do I know you?" I yelled across the backyard.

"Dan?" My mother called.

"Laura?" The man called out to my mother.

"Dan?" Jess's mum called out.

"Shelly." The man called out again.

Then I swore all hell broke loose.

Me and Jess were huddled together in the corner with our boyfriends while my mother, Shelly and the Dan guy were having a disscusion by the gate. My grandma was there just sitting in her chair knitted with a please expression on her face, Patty sat beside her with a confused expression on her own. The little girl that had run to Dan and was clutching his leg.

"What's going on?" Justin Whispered in my ear.

"I have no idea, but I think I know who that is." I said while standing up. I let go of Justin's hand and walked towards the man who's eyes were on me as soon as I stood up. When I reached over to him all went quiet between Shelly, my mum and Dan.

"Dad?" I asked in a tone a little above a whisper.

"Yes." He said.

Before I could react to aything around me, Shelly threw a punch in my mothers direction which hit her in the gut. I screamed out and ran to my mothers side pulling her away from Shelly.

"Jess!" Shelly screamed in the loudest tone that she could, "we are leaving now!"

Jess didn't say anything but obeyed her mother's stern tone and walked out without a goodbye or a happy birthday to me. Once there car sped down the driveway all was silent. I looked at my mum with a confused expression on my face, her's was filling with tears.

"How could you?" She asked my father.

Before he could respond my mother slapped him acroos the face with a little more force than nessisary. I gave her a look but she ran into the house slamming the dorr so fast that I couldn't see her.

I stared up at the sight before me. my father, the one and only hugging the little girl who was on the verge of cryinng. He was trying to calm her down. I looked back and saw Justin giving me a worried look and Ryan who was speechless. When I looked back at my father he was holding out a wrapped box toward me.

"Happy sixteenth birthday Becky." he said while handing over the box.

I hesitated but took it without a thank you, turned around and booked it up to the tree house. I ran right past Justin who tryed to grab my hand as I past him, Ryan gave me a confused look, Patty looked worried and my Grandma who looked content. Did she not just see what happened? Somethings not right here.

I made it up the ladder, ran right threw the main treehouse and through the path to the tower, where I would unwrapp the surprise persent from my father.

Once I sat down on the one bean bag chair I tore apart the box as fast as I could to reveal a journal that had been well used with my name on the front. The journal was a dark mahogany colour.

I opened the lock on the right side and fliped open the cover to reveal slanted handwritting.

July 14, 1996

You were born today.

I could only imagine how you look, brown hair probably your green eyes from your mother with just a hint of blue from me, small face staring up at what is now you life.

One day you will find out everything, you won't be confused about why you don't have a father in your life, you will question it. Don't be afraid.

I wasn't ready. I made a stupid mistake getting your mother pregnant. The truth is I still love your mother deeply. But I couldn't go back after what I had dont to her. I had walked out on her, left her there. Not only that but I left her with her and her best friend both pregnant.

Yes young one, I am Shelly's baby's daddy. Which is the main reason that I couldn't stay. They probably know right now and hate each other at this moment. I don't want them to ever hate each other, I want them to both hate me.

I will do what ever I can you see you. I will wait until you are older, when you have a greater understanding of what I had done. You can take me back if you please, or just leave me on the streets.

I want you to live your life and know that I will always be looking for you, always be here for you and always be thinking about you. Even thouigh I don't know you yet I am still proud of you. I'm proud that your alive and I will always be proud of you and your mother.

I hope you will understand one day.

I love you Becky.



VCF (:


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