Chapter 15

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"So where do we start?" I asked awkwardly, keeping my eyes fixed on the ocean veiw. I hadn't even looked around his room yet. All I knew as that it took up the whole basment. Lucky Ass.

"Hmmm? Um well." He said awkwardly not finishing his sentance. I coughed to fill the space of silence.

The ropes that were around my arms were beginning to dig in to my arms and everytime I moved it would be like a rope burn. I cringed, it was very very pain full.

"Can you please take these off?" I asked again. More poeitly.

"Only if you promise not to kill or punch me. Like I said before." He said easliy. I hufffed out a yes and he started to untie the ropes that were digging into me.

Every single time he brushed his fingers gently over my skin I melted. I couldn't stop the shivers that were running up and down my spine. Great, more feelings toward him. He continued to untie me.

"There you go." He said slowy. I was about to bring my hands in front of me when he grabbed them and held them up to his mouth.

"Becky, sometimes people do things they don't mean. I only did what I did becuase I don't want people swarming you all the time with camaras and stuff like that. I care about you and I don't want you to live your life trapped. You have to understand me please." He spoke with hurt and promise in his voice. It made my heart break. He took my hands softly closer to his mouth and kissed them both. I felt dizzy at his touch.

He let go of my hands then and I pulled them around toward me, hugging myself.

"I'll leave you alone then, please come and talk to me when you are ready. You can walk around my room if you want, make yourself at home." He said. I nodded, not sure if he saw because he was already pounding on the staires, climbing them one at a time. And then I heard the door close.

I closed my eyes tight to see if I was dreaming. No dream. I opened them to find myself on his bed. Curled up in the smallest ball you could ever see some one five foot five curl into. I listened for any sudden movments before I actually moved. I was alone.

I moved so I was resting my head on his wall behind his bed. I pulled a pillow up and place it behind my back for comfort as I looked around. 

Beside his bed on the far side where I was, was a table the lenth of his bed. Not sure how I didn't notice that before since I was looking out at the ocean veiw the entire time her was talking to me. On the table was a remote for what i was guessing to be the TV that he had mounted on the wall at the end of the bed. Also his laptop, some sheet music and a picture of me. I picked it up and examined it. 

It was taken of me on our first 'date' when he met up ith me and Jess at the beach with Ryan. I smiled remembering that day. Oh how I could just go back to that day. In the picture I was wearing Justin's sweater, (which I was wearing now with the sleeves pushed up to my elbows, exposing my rope burn) with my bathing suit underneath. I was smiling a full on toothy smile. There was a water mark on the picture for where my stomach would about be.

I placed the picture down and looked around the rest of his room taking everything in. Which believe me was a lot. Where to start. Well, the first thing that got my attention was his wall of awards probably. It was filled! He had awards from track and feild from school to a teen choice award. Wow. I didn't focus on his wall of awards to long becasue I was torn away by and open door in the far left concer of the room. The door to his closet.

I jumped off the bed and ran to the closet as fast as I could.

A look of shock crossed with awe came over my face as I peered into the doorway. It was huge, like a room it self. One wall lined with supras variating in colour, another wall with hoddies and jackets and long sleved thick sweaters, the last wall was filled with tee-shirts, jerseys and jeans and shorts all organized in a way so it looked super clean. The far wall which I wouldn't even call a wall was a huge mirrior that stretched right across it. Someone might think to much one there appearence.

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