Chapter 1: Date?

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"Don't... go..." he stared at the woman, seemingly having a bad dream. Her grip on his fingers were quite tight. The blonde sighed and tried to pry her off but failed. A nurse walked in and gasped. She has never seen Doctor Sun much less touch a female colleague. He ignored every past flirtation anyone has tried, but he let this patient hold his hand? Dr. Sun glared at the nurse and she scurried away. He sighed and checked his watch. He was supposed to go on break five minutes ago, if only she'd let go of his hand. His legs were also getting tired. He side-eyed the woman lying on the bed. Amelia had a frown on her face and jotted forward as she woke up, out of breath, from her dream. She felt something in her hand and looked, only to realize she was holding the poor doctor's arm sleeve.

Amelia blushed in embarrassment. She had no idea why or how she ended up like this and apologized to the doctor profusely. Dr. Sun didn't say anything and just straightened his white robe before walking out of the room, leaving Amelia to her thoughts.

In the following weeks, Amelia was ordered by Sienna to stay at the hospital and rest while the program kept on filming and running. The interview with Owen went great and he visited Amelia along with Sophie once. Knowing what happened years later, Amelia didn't miss the playful looks exchanged between the celebrity and his manager. She smiled and pretended not to notice as they made small conversation. What she didn't notice was the blonde doctor looking at them from the outside, then walking away.

It wasn't long until Amelia fully recovered and checked out of the hospital. The day of, Owen called her up and brought her to a nice restaurant to eat together. She fought the disgusted feelings she held for him and sat down with him for a nice meal. As the main dish was brought out, someone knocked on the door of the booth they sat at. The door opened, revealing two guys, one silver-haired and one with black hair.

"Hey, bro! We overheard that you were at this restaurant and thought to come check up on you," said the guy with black hair. He was the taller of the two but looked younger. There's no doubts that he was good looking, maybe he's also in the acting industry, Amelia thought to herself as she smiled, looking at Owen for an explanation.

"Mia, theses are my best friends. The taller one is Maven and the shorter one is called Elijah," Owen explained. Maven waved at her and she waved back. He seemed to be quite the energetic person.

"Hello, Maven. I've heard a lot about you," Amelia greeted, standing up. He was the celebrity they originally were planning on inviting to their show, until he was caught in a scandal. Maven blushed, the rosy color complimenting his cheeks even more. Amelia can't imagine such an young and energetic person being a sexual predator. Elijah took Amelia's hands and gently kissed her knuckles. Amelia exclaimed, surprised at the interaction.

"You must be Elijah," Amelia said. Elijah nodded with a smile. He was known online to be a gentleman to others. All of his past co-stars would say that he's very pleasant to work with and is very charismatic. Owen laughed, the sound would've been an angelic one to another other than Amelia. It's a shame she knows as much as she does, or else she would've fallen in love with him all over again.

"Elijah, are you trying to steal my girl?" Owen joked. Amelia looked at him in surprise and tried to reply but found herself speechless. When had she become his?

"Getting possessive already, huh, Owen," Elijah replied, a playful smile on his face.

"I guess you must really like her. You're lucky a beauty like her even casted an eye on you," Maven said with his tongue stuck out. Owen sighed.

"Alright, alright. Hurry along, now, stop interrupting my date," Owen said, waving the two away. Elijah chuckled before dragging Maven out the door. Amelia sat back down again. It was like this last time too. Owen's friends all liked her, but at some point they started to like Sophie better, then everything went downhill from there.

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