Chapter 2: Party

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Winter came fast after fall. The snow drifted in the winds, white little flakes fell on the ground, covering everything on earth with its gentle touch. The dusk set a soft glow over the city and neon signs started to light up the city with its glow, each trying its best to shine. Amelia pulled her red scarf closer and puffed out a white puff of air as she let out a sigh. Her white fluffy earmuffs protected her ears from the cold weather, but she left her gloves at home this morning, so her hands were freezing despite her attempt to stuff them further into her pockets. Gloved hands covered her eyes from behind. She giggled as she grabbed the hands.

"Sienna, stop-" whatever she planned to say halted as she turned around and saw Owen standing behind her. Amelia let go of his hands.

"What, cat's got your tongue?" Owen teased. He patted her head and took off his gloves, stuffing them in Amelia's hands.

"Oh no, it's fine," Amelia said, immediately trying to return them. "My bus gets here in a minute anyways,"

"Take them. I have an extra pair. You wouldn't want to hurt this gentleman's heart and reject him now, would you?" Owen replied, putting a hand on his heart and faked a hurt expression. Amelia raised one of her eyebrows in amusement and let out a laugh.

"Okay, fine. But you're taking them before I get on the bus, or else I wouldn't be able to return them to you,"

"No need, just treat me to a nice dinner next Friday," Owen casually bumped her with his elbow. Amelia smiled.

"Now, Mr. 'I'm a gentleman', a meal for gloves doesn't sound very fair, does it?" Amelia said. There's no way she was going to spend her money on treating this guy to dinner. But there's no use not being friends with him. Besides the free food for when he takes her out, he still has use. Amelia was going to expose this cheater.

"Then let me take you out. Next Friday, 7 pm," Owen said with a bright smile, "Sophie finally agreed for me to throw a party. It's going to be for my brother's birthday,"

"Oh you have a brother?" Amelia knew this. Oliver Sun. He was a cold person in her last life. Never spoke to her once. She wasn't able to attend this party last time, but she saw him on her wedding. Didn't leave much of an impression.

"Yeah. He's a doctor so he's often busy. We don't get to talk to each other much. But I've heard that you guys were in the same class in middle school, he must be glad to be able to see an old friend again," Owen babbled on excitedly. Something about how he invited the entire class and that Maven was going too even though he was from another school. All Amelia could wonder was if she remembered a guy in her classes that would fit. She could vaguely recall the guy since Sun was an unique last name. Now that she thought about it there was a guy with the same last name. He would always get second place, while she was first in the school ranking, but he never spoke to anyone at school. Sometimes the boys in her class would make fun of his bulky glasses and his hairstyle as he always had black hair that was kinda long. She had forgotten that Oliver was her middle school classmate.

"Mia?" Owen called. Amelia lost her train of thoughts. "Your bus is leaving,"

"What?" Amelia mumbled as she turned her head, alarmed, to the said bus leaving the station. She groaned.

"The bus takes an hour and that was my way home," she sighed as she took off the gloves. Guess she'd have to take the bicycle today again. Owen smiled and shook his head.

"I'll give you a ride in my car. Gimme three minutes,"


Surely enough, in a few minutes, Owen rolled up in his car. The modeled car was one of the newest on the market and was more expensive than Amelia's rent. She gasped slightly at the sight. How did she not know Owen owned such luxurious car? Did he purposely leave it at home so she wouldn't know about it? Owen pressed a button on his side and waved at her.

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