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Who could've ever imagine.........
Who could've ever imagine that I'd meet a star

    I had a habit,.....the habit of gazing at the stars till midnight, the habit of talking to them like they were listening, the habit of telling them about my good and bad times hoping they could change it.

It wasn't a bad one but it always helped me, when I was angry I'll vent all my frustrations at them, when I was happy I'll talk to them like it was.......MOM.

I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair, I checked the time to see it was 1:23am, I  had lost track of time again.

Footsteps approached from behind me, I wondered who it was cause nobody came here, not this late anyways. The footsteps stopped probably meaning the person finally noticed a figure in front of them.

"Excuse me" the person spoke,I tensed in my seat not coz I realized she was a girl but cuz her voice it was.....Angelic almost like a star. Not like I knew what a star sounded like but I'm pretty sure if it could be a voice it could be her.

"What?" I said a little too harsh for my liking she squealed in surprise at my harsh tone as I turned to see the girl.

I was met with a set of Greyish white eyes staring at me with a glint of hurt them, waist Long auburn hair with blond roots shone in the moon light, and her short frame almost hesitantly made its way over to me.

"Ummmh are you okay" she asked as she sat next to me.

I didn't answer i quickly scurried to my feet and walked away. It hurt to do that but I couldn't think of anything else to do at that point. I turned to glance at her one more time and saw that she was already looking at me, she looked ready to cry as much as I wanted to go and say sorry I didn't, instead I walked further away till she was out of sight.


I sighed as I sneaked back through my window, normally I would just walk through the front door but it was very late and I didn't want to get scolded by my brother, he was already angry last night about some work shit, luckily for me I was smart enough to leave my window open last night

I crawled in and closed my window just to be met with someone turning my lights in, I winced from how bright it was as I slowly turned around to see who it was. Although it was quite obvious since I lived with my brother alone.

Orson's bright blue eyes stared down at me with his arms crossed over his chest, that stare was quite intimidating especially since he was a few inches taller than me.

"What?" I asked finally breaking the silence as I glared at him

"Where were you? I was worried sick you know, you're my responsibility, who do you think you fucking are just going out and not coming back till late"

"That's non your business, now can you please leave my room I need to sleep, I have school tomorrow, bye" I said flashing him a fake smile

He walked out of my room mumbling cursed to himself, I jumped onto my bed with a sigh as I thought of her.

I smacked myself on the head as I thought to how rude I was to her knowing quite well she was just trying to be nice.

Oh god what had I done, I couldn't help but think that she was new in town specially since I hadn't seen her before, not that I've searched very nook and crone of town.

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