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How strange to dream of you,
Even when I'm wide awake.

She tripped for the fifth time, this girl was tripping as if her shoes were banana peels, we hadn't even left the principals office by two feet before she tripped, passing a sharp corner leading to her locker she tripped, before reaching her locker she tripped, and now on our way to class she had tripped.

She stood up and shrugged any dirt from her cargo pants before glancing up at my face which was slightly tilted in her direction while trying to figure out why she tripped so often.

I think she's a floor magnet

"The floor had always been my enemy since when I was able to walk, my mom told me the second I took a step I'd fall face flat on the floor, but that never stopped me" she said flashing me a sheepish smile.

I blinked at her in surprise before grabbing her wrist and walking towards class which seemed to be too far for my liking. From the corner of my eye I could see her eyes widen in shock and her eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"If you keep tripping like that we'll be getting to class later than usual, I'm already cranky and an earful from a teacher might make me loose it plus I don't want Mrs. Smith asking me why your face is damage" I said walking slightly faster while tugging at her hand which I had mindlessly interlaced with mine during our short discussion.

She simply glanced at the hand then walked faster with her head down while her cheeks were now slightly tinted red.

We finally made it to class just five minutes after the bell rang, every person in the class turned to see who it was, I didn't miss how a few guys eyed Estelle while a few girls glared at her and my hands which were still interlaced.

"Welcome Mr. Vesper I was informed by the principal you'd be slightly late to class and this must be Mrs. Ambrose, nice to meet you I'm Mr. James." The teacher beamed at Estelle who returned it with a small smile while his eyes flickered to me and Estelle's hands

"Nice to meet you too sir" she said

"Very well you'll be seating besides Mr. Vesper for now, go on" he said gesturing to two seats at the back row one which was close to Elton before turning back to his book as I separated my hands from Estelle, already walking to my seat Estelle walking behind me like a lost puppy.

"Hi Ty Ty" Elton said giving me a mischievous grin before his eyes flickered to Estelle

"How many times will I tell you to stop calling me that?" I said biting back an insult

I made sure to take the seat farthest from him which unfortunately gave Estelle the lucky ticket of sitting close to Elton.

"Hi" Estelle grinned at him

"Oh hi, Estelle right?, I'm Elton, Tyler's best friend" he said stretching his hands toward her which she took hesitantly.

"Nice to meet you Elton" she said grinning at him

"Your eyes are so pretty by the way they remind me of a star that's what your name means right Star" he asked a grin appearing on his face.

I blinked in surprised, it didn't even occur to me that her name meant star in Latin.

"We'll thank you, but how did you know my name meant Estelle ?"

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