
9 3 1

Little did I know,
There was love growing inside.

"That would be $3.45 sir" I passed the man his order of a Frappuccino and a muffin.

"Keep the change, but I'll like one more thing" the man said as he smiled exposing a dimple on his left cheek. The man looked slightly older than me possibly 3 or 4 years older he had a chiselled jaw a muscular physique and deep blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean. He's handsome.

"Yes sir"

"Your number pls" he said smiling again. i laughed, not in a im not going to give you way but on a you've got to be kidding me way, I had just started this job less than 2 weeks ago but this was the 3rd guy to ask me for my number.

"Sorry sir but cafe rules that there should be no customer staff relationship within the restaurant". I lied I didn't even know if this restaurant had rules but I couldn't tell him no especially since he's flashing me his most flirtatious smile.

"Then let's go outside"

"Sorry sir but that won't work sir sorry"

"OK cool cool" He says a Little disappointed. The bell at the door jingles signalling a New customers arrival, I don't bother checking who it is, I'm too busy debating whether I should or shouldn't give my number out to this stranger.

"But I Could give you my number but-"

"No you won't" A husky voice says from behind the guy, I look up to see Tyler glaring at the guy, the guy jumps at the voice and turns around to see Tyler.

They're both the same height but Tyler looks very intimating, he looks ready to shoot the guy in the head.

"Excuse me" the guy asks

"You heard me she's not giving you her number" Tyler replies, glaring at the guy harder.

"Says who?"

"Her boyfriend" I let out a little squeak at that.

My boyfriend ehh

"Oh" the guy said sounding disappointed, he glances at me then Tyler before turning around and walking out of the store.

He looks at me and his expression softens slightly and I think his eyes smile.

"Let's go" he says in a tone that gives no room for argument.

"Well nice to meet you too Tv"

He glared at me before shaking his head.

"Come on" he said dragging me out.

"I can't I'm working plus why do you need me to follow you its weekend if you didn't notice"

"Well if you had read my messages you'll realise all exchange students and there partners are supposed to write an essay on each other to enhance blah blah blah, and tomorrow I'm quite busy so today is the best day coz we're to submit on monday"

"Fine" I huffed I walked over to the kitchen and asked my coworker to cover for me, my boss is not someone to mess with.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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