It has been many years since Gale did not feel the heat of anger in the bottom of his chest. It burned his ribs. He had died his hair blue long ago, a cooling colour, and without dye his hair is going to get brown soon. On the Friday of their first week, only a few days into their labour, Gale is not warm. At least, no more than should be expected in North Marcanty. His muscles are torn, his cheeks red, and he drinks more water than in the river in The Sticks, but he isn't angry anymore. He's too tired to be angry.

By the end of the third day, the groups have become porous. He spends time with Faris, who he doesn't particularly like, but the women they were originally assigned to work with don't seem keen to participate in the activities. Sometimes, Kae is with them. He only sees Calath at meals. Mostly, the farmer is absent. No one particularly talks to Gale. Then again, Gale has slept better now than he ever has before.

The katydids are loud, but the noise of Neo Elysium is louder. Here, surrounded by criminals, Gale feels the safest he has ever felt before.

Toward the edge of the farm, Rhiannon Rose and Eurydice have made their own group. It is exactly to Eurydice's liking, as no one ever asks Rhiannon Rose to hurry along with the farmwork. Eurydice can be fussed to do work if they move at a slow pace. Occasionally, the pair talk, mostly gripes about the other people. They are beginning to learn each other's names, their real names. Despite Eurydice's resistance to the idea. Against her better judgement and will. Whenever the farmer does walk through the fields or show up at meals, he makes sure to call Eurydice by name.

The final group, continued to be made of Titus, Cosmia, and Norbu, also pops around frequently. Norbu shows up and asks Faris questions. Their interest in plants makes Titus nauseous, so he is more than happy when Norbu slips away. After two days, it seems Cosmia has grown tired of Norbu's racing mouth. She is shorter with her answers.

They are about to finish for the day, when she looks over at Titus.

"He's not as annoying as I thought he'd be."

Titus stops moving his hoe. Cosmia continues moving.

"The fighter?"

Cosmia shrugs, "yeah, him."

"He'd be less annoying if you didn't encourage him," Titus snaps.

"You're just jealous that he isn't as tired as you," Cosmia rolls her eyes. "Let me guess, you have three droids at home? Mummy still probably has your Harper."

Titus' neck feels cold. In the heat, even with the breeze, he hasn't felt this nice chill. At night he sleeps without a blanket, which at least is better than the scratchy piece of cloth he imagines Benji used to clean his countertops before shoving it on the bunk Titus shares with a bunch of idiots. He doesn't look at Cosmia.

"It's better to have a Harper than parents who don't even give a shit about you."

Cosmia throws down her hoe.

At the front of the farm, they hear the sound of a whistle. Cosmia looks over. The sound carries over the farm, even if they are grunting while lugging around heavy bags, or there is a truck on the road far away backfiring, she can hear it. It's coming from Benji's mouth, she's sure, but she isn't sure how he can make it so loud and cutting.

That is how they know dinner is ready.

All of them, across the farm begin to make their way back to the house. Cosmia catches a glance at Titus as they all climb onto the porch, Harvey included. After that conversation, she thinks she likes him more.

"Now, I'm going to throw together dinner, but Harvey has been doing the bulk of the work," Benji points out, smiling. "Go get cleaned up. Shower, or whatever else you need to do. It'll be dark out in a few hours. I'm coming around to talk to a few of you before then, but for now you're good to hang out."

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