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Chapter : Getting The Deal

Author's POV -------»

Days went by, soon it's been 3 months that they started working at Kim enterprises and have given a great impression to there co-works as well as the directors of the company slowly but surely they are getting used to there surroundings.

[ Time Skipped ]

9:30 am

As usual both Nidhi and Aaradhya were focusing on their own works. When someone interrupted them.

Hey! Miss Nidhi & Miss Aaradhya Good Morning to both of you.

Good Morning.

Nidhi greeted him with a smile and went back to her work again.

Good Morning Mr. Jung how are you doing?

I am doing great!

He said while giving his famous looking sunshine smile.

Good to hear that.

She replied to him while returning his smile.

Actually, I am here to tell you something.

Yes go on.

Mr. Kim asked me to call you in his office urgently.

Hearing the word urgently, Aaradhya felt panicked.

Why?? Did I do something wrong or the file I prepared have the wrong information. No No I think the Audit papers are wrong I already knew it....I have doub-

She got cut off by him.

Relax Aaradhya relax!!! No need to worry. Everything's fine I didn't meant this by urgently.

He said while pointing towards her.

After hearing him, Aaradhya sighed in relief.

Thank God. But what is this urgent work?

She asked confusion written all over her face.

That...hmm, I too don't know. But meet him he will tell you.

Okay I will be there in a moment.

He was about to turn around but then he stopped.

Yes Mr. Jung do you need anything else?

No no just wanted to tell you that, don't take too much stress you & Nidhi are working just great.
You both are very dedicated towards your work and we can see it.

Thank you Mr. Jung for saying that I felt very much confident now.

You are that already.

She give her genuine smile to him.

Oh and yesss!!! Plz call me Jhope everyone calls me by that
Mr. Jung make me feel like an old man.

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