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Chapter : Love and Feels

Nidhi's POV -------»

I watched Jisoo take Aaradhya with her and disappeared into the crowd while I only hope that everything will be going to be good.

As I was in my own dazed, Jimin cleared his throat beside me.

So, where were we? Let's keep the fun going.

I chuckled and nodded.

Absolutely! Thanks for keeping me company, Jimin.

I said with a smile and he smiled back, kinda feeling grateful for the opportunity to spend sometime with him and possibly get to know more about him too.

We were talking for a while now as I was sitting on top of the juice counter, having a mocktail in my hand. I was really enjoying with Jimin but suddenly a thoughts strike on my mind.

Where is Mr. Arrogant. I haven't seen him once.... wait why are thinking about him all of a sudden it's not you business anyway.

I thought while sipping my drink with a irritated expression on my face.

Suddenly I fell out of my thoughts when Jimin snaps his fingers infront of me. 

Nidhi! Where are you lost?

Oh! Sorry...what were you saying?

He smiled at me while shaking his head.

He's cute yaar.


Okay leave it. Anyways, tell me how far are you liking the party?

It's good and I am enjoying it a lot but...

But what?

But I am damn irritated about the loud music. It's kinda giving me a headache.

Hmm...I think I can do something about it, here come with me.


He asked me while forwarding his hand for me to take.

I was caught off guard by his sudden action while he chuckled looking at my reaction.

Trust me?

He said with something in his eyes which I didn't recognise but eventually I nodded and took his hands.

Where are we going?

I know a spot. Just follow me.

He holds my hand and dragged me with him towards an open area.

There were very less people and music was low in here too.

What's this place?

I asked as he opens a door and my eyes sparkle at the view. It was a balcony with the city lights.


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