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***4 years earlier***

Zrina's POV:

     A boy is in my tent. Not to much younger than I am. I am hiding behind a tree, trying to stay out of site. I grab onto the sheath of my dagger and prepare for combat. I walk closer but unfortunately step on a twig. I mentally curse at myself for being so careless. The boy turns around carefully.
"You know I see you, right," he says. I groan.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked, walking closer to him.
"Who are you?" He retaliated back to me. I smirk.
"I asked you first," I snarl. We start circling each other. He hisses at me then pounces onto me. He pinned me for a very short time but I flipped over and pinned him. He is unable to escape under my grasp. I smirk at him and he gives up. We both stand up and laugh.
"I'm Lo'ak." He sticks out his hand.
"Zrina." I shake his hand.
"So, why do you live out here?" He asked. My shoulders dropped.
"My mother was killed in the war against the sky people. So I guess I live here," I explained.
"Damn, that really sucks," he said.
"Well no shit." I laugh. He laughs with me.
"So, do you want to go to this lake I found with me?" I asked him. He nodded his head quickly, so I grabbed his hand and we ran to the lake.

     When we got there we admire the view. It's a small lake on the side of a cliff. It's absolutely stunning.
"I get chills every time I'm up here. It's so beautiful," I tell him.
"This place is awesome!" Lo'ak starts running and jumps into the water. I laugh and follow him in. Once I hit the cool water, I swim down to the bottom and look for shells. I find a blue one that is shiny, it makes me think of my new friend, Lo'ak. I grab it and swim up to the surface.
"This place is sick cuz!" Lo'ak exclaims.
"Bro, I found this shell and I thought of you." I tossed it to him.
"Dude, this is the girliest shell I've ever seen," he laughs. I scoff.
"Well yeah, but I thought the shininess represented your personality." I smiled. He smiled back at me. We kept swimming for what felt like hours and until we got tired. Once we got out, we laid on the sand and talked about ourselves. He told me that he has two sisters and one brother. And that he gets into trouble constantly. I found out that he is the son of Toruk Makto, which I thought was pretty amazing. We talked for a while until it was eclipse.
"We have to get back fast, my curfew is at eclipse and my dad will kill me if I'm not back soon!" We both ran back to the tent and he got on his ikran.
"I'll come back tomorrow! I promise." He got onto his ikran and got ready to fly back.
"I think me and you are gonna be good friends Lo'ak," I said. He smiled at me and took off. I went back into my tent and got ready to eat. I ate and then went over to my ikran, Silron. I grabbed some meat and fed it to him. He made a chirping noise that I reciprocated. I smiled and hopped onto his back. I made tsaheylu with his and we took off into the sky. I always go on night rides with Silron. We fly high into the clouds and then go back for a nights rest. I chirp loudly as I fly up high.
"Silron! How do you like Lo'ak?" I asked my ikran. He chirped loudly and I smiled.
"I like him too. We should get back though. I'm tired." I groan as we fly back down. I hop off of him and hear shuffling in the trees. I grab my dagger and walked closer. I ran around a tree and saw nothing.
     After that, I walk back to my tent and fall asleep almost instantly.

***Present time***

     So far, for the past 4 years, Lo'ak and I have hung out every day. But today, he's late. He comes at the same time every day, and leaves the same time.
     "Lo'ak! Where are you skxawng!" I'm starting to get really worried.

     It's been a few hours when I finally notice Lo'ak's figure in the trees.
     "Hey asshole! Why are you late?" I asked angrily.
     "I was a spotter on a raid and as usual, I did something stupid and got grounded from flying for a month." I started laughing really hard that my stomach hurts. I fell on the ground and started kicking my feet.
     "Bro, this isn't funny. I'm in serious trouble and I almost got my brother killed." He sat on the ground with a sad face. I crawled over to my best friend and laid my head on his shoulder.
     "Aw, my poor little Lo'ak. You must feel so terrible. It's alright. Mommy's here. Come here, you can cry into my shoulder." It was so hard to not start laughing. Lo'ak chuckled a little but stopped. He shoved me slightly and I laughed.
     "So, what do you wanna do today? We could go back to our lake?" Ever since we met, that lake we went to has become 'our lake.'
     "Nah, we go there all the time." Lo'ak replied. I had an idea. I know that we shouldn't go there, but it would be really cool.
     "You wanna go to the old shack where your dad beat Quaritch." Lo'ak told me all about everything his dad ever told him. Like the war, combat, and Earth. The planet that Jake Sully comes from. Where my mother was born. My mother was like Jake Sully. She was human before deciding to become Na'vi and one of us. That is why I hide. Because of my extra finger. Lo'ak eventually gives in.
     "Alright, but we can't get caught or I'm dead." I nodded my head and ran.
     "Rina! Other way." He pointed to the opposite direction I was going.
     "I knew that!" I ran in the correct direction this time.

     We made it to an old, run down plane covered in vines. Lo'ak and I made it to the plane and looked inside.
     "Do you see any dead bodies?" He asked.
     "If I did, I probably would have screamed. Don't you think?" I asked him sarcastically. He shrugged and we kept walking.

We made it to the old shack and saw that everything was really overgrown. Lo'ak and I looked down and saw large footprints.
     "They're too big to be human. Do you think they're Avatars?" I asked.
     "Maybe. But they aren't ours," Lo'ak replied. I looked ahead and saw 6 Avatars in full gear.
     "I gotta call this in." He told me. I groaned.
     "No bro, we're gonna get in so much trouble," I said. He shrugged and touched the thing on his neck.
     "Devil dog, Devil dog. This is Eagle eye. Over." Then a little voice in the necklace spoke.
     "Eagle eye, send your traffic." I think it was Lo'ak's dad. Shit.
"I got eyes on some guys. They look like Avatars, but they're in full camo and carrying ARs. There's six of them. Over." Lo'ak looks really nervous.
     "What's your pos. Over." There is a lot of military talk that I barely understand. Lo'ak taught me a lot of it.
     "Uh, we're at the old shack." Lo'ak sounded like he really didn't want to say that.
     "Who's 'we?'" The necklace asked.
     "Me and a friend," Lo'ak answered.
     "Lo'ak, you listen very carefully. You pull back right now. Do not make a sound. You gotta get the hell out of there. Move! Do you copy?"
     "Yes sir, moving out." Lo'ak called his dad 'sir.' Who does that?
     "Why do you call your dad 'sir'?" I asked.
     "I don't know. Keep moving." We got close to a tree and something grabbed me by my que. I hissed in pain and attempted to escape. It was useless. I wasn't going to escape. I growled constantly but the man kept grabbing onto me. The Avatar holding Lo'ak grabbed onto his hands.
"Hey Colonel. Check this out. Four fingers. We got a halfbreed." The Colonel walked over to Lo'ak and grabbed his hands. Lo'ak snarls at him. The Colonel looks at me.
"You. Show me your fingers." I smirked and flipped him off.
"You're his, aren't you." The Colonel said. I growled at him.
"You're his alright." Who is he talking about? Is this about Lo'ak's dad? I have no idea what he's talking about.
     "Damn Colonel. This one's pretty." The man holding me said.
     "Let go of me asshole." I stepped on his foot really hard and grabbed his gun. I aimed it at many Avatars. Lo'ak tried to calm me down but I was too nervous.
     "Be calm Zrina!" He would yell to me.
     "I can't!" I replied, "we need to get out of here." I turned around and saw an Avatar run at me. He hit me in the head really hard and the last thing I heard before blacking out was Lo'ak yelling to me...

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