Chapter 5

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Zrina's POV:

     I woke up with a massive hungover today. I groaned as I felt the headache kicking in. I sat up slowly and noticed that I was the only one left in the Mauri. I walked out of our tent and the brightness hurt my eyes. I shut them so they didn't hurt. Once I opened them again, I saw Ao'nung talking to Lo'ak. I decided not to interfere with their conversation. I turned my head and saw Kiri and Tuk playing in the sand. I ran over to them and sat down.
"Hey girls. What are you doing?" I asked. Tuk noticed my presence and smiled.
"We were building a sand castle. Want to join us?" Tuk replied.
"Of course. I love sand castles," I said. I started to build my own sand castle when Ao'nung walked up to me. I turned around and stood up next to him.
"Can't wait for tonight," he whispered in my ear. I was confused. What's happening tonight.
"What's happening tonight?" I asked, totally clueless.
"Lo'ak told me that you wanted to go on a date with me," Ao'nung explained. Lo'ak. Of course he would pull something so stupid.
"Well then, I'll see you tonight." I smirked and walked off. I turned around to the girls because they were very confused. I shrugged and mouthed 'Loak.' The moment I did that, they knew that he was in deep shit. I walked back into the Mauri mumbling about Lo'ak and Ao'nung and all that stuff. I saw Neteyam in the Mauri but no Lo'ak.
"Where's Lo'ak?" I asked angrily. Neteyam looked nervous at my outcome of anger.
"I don't know," he said. Just as Neteyam finished speaking, Lo'ak walked in. Once Lo'ak saw me, his eyes went wide.
"You. Lo'ak Sully! I'm going to rip off your head and feed it to your own ikran!" I jumped on him and pinned him to the ground.
"How dare you tell Ao'nung that I wanted to go on a date with him!" I growled. His face froze in fear.
"You did what?" Neteyam asked. I looked back up to him and noticed that he was kind of angry as well. Why would he be? He's the one that hates me and thinks that I'm a bad influence on Lo'ak.
"What's wrong with that? Last time I saw you two together was last night at the party and you two were sucking each other's faces off," Lo'ak explained. I furrowed my brows.
"That was a one time thing! It doesn't mean that I wanted to date him! And by the way, I was drunk!" I yelled. I got off of him and stormed off. I noticed Tsireya and the other girls together so I decided to go over there. I waved to the girls.
"Hey girls!" I exclaimed. We talked for a while until it became a while after mid day. The girls noticed some boys walk over and I remembered it to be Ao'nung, Rotxo, and their crew. They walked all the way up to us when I finally turned around. The girls stood up so I guess I did too.
"Hey Z, ready for our date?" He asked, reaching for my hand. I took his hand and looked back. The girls all had their jaws on the ground.
"Yeah, let's go." We walked away from the girls when the boys started talking again.
"I see you're finally making friends," Ao'nung said. I nodded my head.
"The girls are really sweet," I replied, "I thought the party was really fun last night." Ao'nung looked into my eyes.
"I had a really good time with you yesterday," Ao'nung told me. The boys seemed to listen in on our conversation.
"Oh Zrina! I love you so much," one of the boys said. I laughed a little as Ao'nung smacked the boy.
"Yeah, he hasn't stopped talking about you and when your friend said that you wanted to go out with him, Ao'nung basically did a backflip!" Rotxo added. I laughed even harder that time. Ao'nung shoved me a little so I stumbled. He looked over at me before I hit the ground, he caught me by my waist. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. The boys turned around and laughed. We stood back up and the boys ran off. We walked along the beach and just talked. I never knew Ao'nung was so funny. I turned my head and saw Neteyam. He looked pissed off. No idea why. I turn my attention back to my date.
"I don't know if you noticed, but I did not officially agree to this date. Lo'ak told you that I wanted to, I did not knowing that I had a date with you." Ao'nung laughed.
"I assumed that, but I wouldn't pass up the chance to hang out with you," Ao'nung confessed. I smiled at his gesture.
"You must really like me then." I smirked. He moved closer to me.
"Maybe I do." By now, he was holding my hand and our chests were touching. He leaned in to kiss me but we heard someone clear their throat. Ao'nung pulled away and groaned. I just stood there silently. I turned my head and saw Ao'nung's friends watching us. I rolled my eyes and flipped them off. I grabbed Ao'nung's face and kissed him lightly. Some of the boys did catcalls and whatever when I let go. I turned around and saw Neteyam watching. When he saw me he turned around and walked away. I smirked and turned back to Ao'nung.
"I've got to go, bye." I turn around and walk off. I sway my hips a little just to tease him. I speed walk after Neteyam but he was going really fast.
     "Neteyam, wait up!" He just walked even faster. I eventually caught up to him and grabbed his arm. He shrugged me off and scowled at me.
     "Why are you being like this?" I asked.
      "I don't know what you are talking about," he said, crossing his arms. I pointed at him.
     "Like that! Exactly like that. You're being a pain in the ass," I told him.
     "You should not be talking. You are the one that wanted us to go to that party. You were the one that made us come here," Neteyam explained.
     "Fuck you." I flipped him off.
     "You are being so childish. You are always insanely childish!" Neteyam yells. I scoff.
     "At least I'm not the one that drank too much kava and had to be dragged home last night. That was you." I poked him in the chest with my finger.
     "I don't know what you're talking about," Neteyam answered. I rolled my eyes.
     "Yes you do," I pointed to my arm band that I put in his hair that is know on his upper arm. 'Shit' Neteyam thought.
     "Fine. I do remember everything," Neteyam confessed. I knew it!
     "Why did you lie? Were you ashamed?" I questioned him.
"No—I—," I cut him off.
"Just save it. I'm outta here." I walked off.
"Wait!" He yelled, grabbing my wrist. He pulled me back closer to him when I tried to leave.
"Fine, I was embarrassed that I was drinking and needed someone that I hardly knew to help me. It has never happened before and I don't want to set a bad example for my siblings," Neteyam explained. That was the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I smiled at the kindness towards his siblings.
"That's sweet. But please can we end this feud. I'm getting tired of all of the winning our arguments." I smirked. Neteyam's face changed.
"What are you talking about? I win the arguments!" He yelled. I shook my head.
"No you don't. I'm the one that wins. For example, I won the argument last night, and I won this one just now. Oh! It's as if you like losing to me," I teased.
     "Is that a bad thing?" He raised his eyebrow. Neteyam smirked and pushed me. I teased him some more and he pushed me so hard that i fell into the ground. I started laughing when I fell.
"Look who has a short fuse," I teased once again. Neteyam launched himself at me and pinned me down. I turned the tide when I rolled over and pinned him back. We kept wrestling until we heard Lo'ak yell something.
     "Back off, Fishlips!"

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