Chapter 3

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Zrina's POV:

     "Okay, Sully's, and Zrina, fall in." Lo'ak taught me some military talk so I knew that we had to come together and talk. Neteyam grabs Lo'ak by the back of the neck and talks to him.
     "Remember? Family meeting." I grabbed onto Lo'ak's hand as we sat down together.
     "Come on, take a knee. Let's go," Jake repeats, "I need you kids on your best behavior. I mean it. Learn fast, pull your weight. Don't cause trouble. You got it?"
     "Yes," we all quietly said. Tuk gets upset about being homesick and starts to cry. I feel bad for her, but we need to learn the Metkayina's ways.
     "We're gonna get through this if we have each other's backs. Alright?" Jake says.
     "What does your father always say?" Neytiri questioned us. I didn't know so I didn't say anything.
     "Sully's stuck together," the family said in unison. I looked down, because I was the only one not saying it.
     "That's right, Sully's stuck together. Now this time with some feeling," Jake said. I didn't say anything, and he seemed to notice. They kept repeating the same sentence. I didn't move or say anything. It felt weird just sitting there. I was an outsider wherever I went. Jake dismissed us so we could go explore. We had just settled in, and the moment Lo'ak and I stepped out of our Mauri, Tsireya ran up to us.
     "Hi! I wanted to let you know that you guys arrived at the perfect time! Sometimes, the adults have parties at totally random times, so at the same time, at the other side of the island, usually, us teenagers have our own party with kava," Tsireya explained.
     "We're going," I told Tsireya. Lo'ak looked at me with wide eyes.
     "Why are we going?" Lo'ak asked me.
     "Because we need to make the impression that the half breeds aren't total party-poopers. Plus, there's kava. So I'm going. I think you would too. Go tell Neteyam and Kiri." Lo'ak ran back inside.
     "I came because my father requested Toruk Makto and his mate to join the party," Tsireya said.
     "Okay cool! Lo'ak and I are definitely going. Neteyam might, and Kiri will most likely want to watch Tuk." Tsireya nodded her head. After we stopped talking, Tsireya went into our Mauri and told the Sully parents. I noticed Ao'nung coming over to me. I smiled and waved to him.
     "Hey," he said.
     "Hi!" I greeted him.
     "Did my sister already tell you about the party?" He asked.
     "Yeah, she did. Why?" I replied.
     "Because you're cute and I want you to make a good impression on everyone," Ao'nung suggested. I smiled at his compliment.
     "I know, I am super funny. Plus, Lo'ak and Tsireya could go together. I swear, he was eyeing her when we first arrived." I smirked. Ao'nung laughed at my comment.
     "You're funny. And cute. Damn, you're the total package," Ao'nung joked.
     "I know right. I'm just so perfect!" I smiled.
     "You really are. I never knew I would meet someone so beautiful." I blushed. He noticed so I hid my face even more.
     "I'm not lying. I know I was rude when you first came here, but now I see that you are very pretty," he complimented me again. I keep blushing.
     "Oh stop. You're making me blush," I joked. Ao'nung laughed with me as we kept talking. I could see Tsireya walk back up to me.
     "The adults party starts after dinner, so ours starts a little before eclipse. Since it is close to that time, you will come with me so I can help you pick out an outfit for the occasion. It is fit to wear something from our clan. So you can borrow something of mine." Tsireya dragged me off away from Ao'nung. I turned around and he laughed a little. I waved but tripped because Tsireya was pulling me so hard. Ao'nung laughed even harder when he saw me. I winked at him and ran off with Tsireya. We made it to Tsireya's Mauri and I began to notice that it is bigger than any other. Probably because their parents are the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik. We walked over to Tsireya's belongings and she pulled out a few party outfits that would work. She pulled out a two piece that was gold and light blue. The top was very cropped and it was hanging just below my cleavage. It was a rectangular shape. The bottoms were a long, beaded loincloth with pieces of smooth seaweed sticking out and many shells.
     "Here! Try this on. It will look very good on you." She handed me the outfit so I walked into a closed out area so no one saw me change. I walked back in with the outfit on and Tsireya squealed.
     "This outfit looks beautiful on you. But other than outfits, do you like my brother?" She changed the subject pretty fast. I was kind of nervous to answer the question.
     "Um, so—, uh, he's really nice, but I don't know how to talk about a boy to his sister. It's weird," I told her.
     "Okay then, what do you think about him?" She asked.
     "Well, when I first saw him, he was kind of a jackass. But we started talking, and he actually sounds like a nice person. He's kinda cute but I don't find him attractive like that." Tsireya looked kind of grossed out at the subject.
     "I can't believe you don't like my brother!" She said a little too loud. I jumped on top of her to cover her mouth.
     "You don't need to yell. I just don't find him attractive!" I whisper-shouted. Tsireya looked at me.
     "That's a first. Most girls on the island are in love with Ao'nung." I giggled. We kept talking for a very long time that we didn't even notice that eclipse is about to start. I'm surprised that no one has walked into the Mauri. We heard a knock on the door frame and heard a shout.
     "Zrina! Tsireya! You've been in there for a really long time! So long that eclipse is starting! The adults are at the party and ours is starting," Lo'ak shouted.
     "Oh my gosh Lo'ak! Chill man. I know you want to see how hot I look but you have to wait a little longer. We have to be fashionably late. So stay out there until we are done," I yelled back to him from inside the Mauri. I heard him groan so I giggled. Tsireya and I put on some more jewelry, mine including one bracelet on each wrist, a necklace, an arm band that was originally mine, and a lot of big hoop earrings. Tsireya walked out first and then I walked out. The group that had been waiting for us was Lo'ak, Neteyam, Rotxo, Ao'nung, and his group of friends. I smiled at Ao'nung and he seemed to jump when he saw me.
    "I was right. You are really cute!" He exclaimed. I smirked.

Words: 1158

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