𝐢𝐢. a flake

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     in real life    

✧˖*°࿐   CHAPTER TWO!❪     in real life     ❫

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ISABEL OPENED UP HER APARTMENT DOOR, BEING GREETED BY ALL THE GIRLS. They were sat on her and Gabbie's bed talking, Taylor Swift playing quietly in the background. She smiled at all of them, holding up the froyo's she was struggling to balance in her hands.

Kate jumped off Isabel's bed, throwing down her stuffed cow and taking some of the cup of frozen yogurt from her hands. "Thanks, Kate," Issie smiled at the blonde, neither noticing the way her cheeks turned the slightest bit red.

Gabbie and Kate handed out the rest of the frozen yogurt while Isabel put her boyfriends in the refrigerator to keep it from melting since wasn't coming over until later that night. She had planned for the two of them to have a little date night since their Thursday night date got cancelled due to the girls having media day.

Gabbie through the two Walmart sacks down onto the space of floor between the beds. "Toppings are in the bags, since we didn't know what any of you wanted."

Caitlin sighed loudly as she bit into her froyo. "Gabbie and Isabel, y'all are the best. Hey, Kate, throw me some M&Ms." Kate chunked her the pack, giggling as they almost hit Kylie's head on the way over. She quietly apologized even though it hadn't hit her.

"Shit, Molly, I forgot your plate in the car," Isabel groaned, sliding her feet into her Ugg slippers placed by the door. "I'll be right back."

"It's fine, Is, you don't have to," Molly assured.

"I'll go with you. So, you don't have to walk alone," Kate said, hopping off the bed once again. All the girls (apart from Isabel) watched with knowing eyes as their teammate slipped her jacket on and followed after their photographer.

Everyone had suspected Kate's liking towards Isabel, though, she had never actually admitted to it. The way her eyes lingered on the brunette a few seconds too long, or the way her entire demeanor changed whenever she was around, did not go unnoticed.

But they were just friends, and Isabel had been in a relationship for three years. With a man, nonetheless. Kate herself wasn't even sure if what she felt for the girl was anything more than a friendly connection.

The two headed out the door, and into the campus hallways. Many people waved at Kate, to which she politely waved back at them. "Real popular, Kate," Isabel laughed, opening the front  door to the building.

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