𝐱𝐥𝐢𝐯. ice skating

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❪ in real life ❫

✧˖*°࿐   CHAPTER FOURTY FOUR!❪    in real life    ❫

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KATE LAUGHED AS ISABEL FELL TO HER ASS, LANDING WITH A THUD AND A BIG HUFF. Isabel placed her hands over her red face, hoping no one other than her girlfriend had seen her fall. It was safe to say she was not a good ice skater, though Kate, however, hadn't even so much as wobbled once.

She sat on the ice for a moment, catching her breath, before taking Kate's outstretched hand. Kate's arm secured around her waist to keep her steady. "Can we go, please?" Isabel whined, a frown on her face as she looked out at all of the teenagers skating on the ice with ease.

"No," Kate laughed, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind her girlfriend's ear. "Here, I'll hold your hands so you can't fall." She grabbed her two hands, beginning to skate backwards slowly while pulling Isabel along.

"I'm just going to drag us both down."

"I've got you, Bels." The two of them carefully skated around the edge of the arena, making sure to stay out of the way from anyone passing by them. They had completed two loops before Isabel finally felt confident enough to let go of Kate.

She swayed, though quickly balanced herself out. Kate went to grab her again but Isabel swatted her hands away. "I'm good. I got it now."

"If you say so," Kate smiled, looking at the way Isabel's face was screwed up in concentration on staying upright. "I'm gonna go get us hot chocolates. Do you want anything else? I think they have churros."

"No, just a hot chocolate, please. Extra marshmallows." Isabel watched in envy as a girl that looked around the age of 12 zoomed by her in perfect stride. Kate put her hand on the back of Isabel's head, bringing her lips to her forehead.

"You'll master it one day, baby."

Isabel hummed, unconvinced at Kate's words. As soon as the blonde was out of her sight she began to slowly advance forward on the ice, keeping the edge within arms reach, of course. She would prefer to pull herself into the wall rather than have to crawl to it because she fell and her girlfriend wasn't there to help her up.

She got a few strides into her rhythm before she suddenly felt the presence of a body stop right behind her. Her face dropped up as she turned around, expecting Kate to be there but was instead greeted by a guy she's never seen before. He was tall—looming over her 5'8 inches of body significantly. The brown hair that sat atop his head was styled into more of a slick backed look, though there was a few front pieces that hung around his face.

Isabel swallowed roughly, not really wanting to indulge in conversation, though she didn't want to be rude. Where the hell is Kate?

"Hi," He spoke timidly, almost as if his nerves were eating away at his vocals. His eyes were everywhere—scanning her face before quickly darting somewhere else in the rink.

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