𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐱. a bet

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✧˖*°࿐   CHAPTER TWENTY NINE!❪     in real life    /    social media     ❫

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GABBIE LET OUT A SCREAM AS THE MANGLED FACE SUDDENLY POPPED UP ON THE LAPTOP SCREEN. Caitlin quickly muffled it with her hand, not wanting to have any noise complaints filed against them since it was passed lights out time. Isabel laughed at Gabbie's reaction, though she was clinging onto Kate out of fear.

Most of the girls had decided to go straight home after the game since almost everyone on the team had classes tomorrow morning. However, Caitlin, Kate, Gabbie, and Isabel were all seniors and only had scheduled classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, they decided on having a sleepover in Isabel and Gabbie's dorm.

They were all piled into Isabel's bed, leaning on the wall and each other. Gabbie and Isabel were in between Caitlin and Kate, the laptop resting in the middle of their laps. After ten straight minutes of arguing from Gabbie and Kate about whether they should watch The Conjuring or Hereditary, they had settled on watching the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre—the movie that both Caitlin and Isabel wanted to watch.

"Gabbie, shut up!" Kate whispered, her arm tight around Isabel's waist. The brunette stuck her tongue out at her teammate before covering her face with the cover again. Isabel placed her head back on Kate's shoulder, squinting her eyes at the laptop screen as if that would make the movie less scary.

The roar of the chainsaw thundering out of stillness made all four of them jump. Caitlin cursed loudly, clamping her eyes shut to regain composure. Gabbie remained underneath the blanket, her hands shaking.

"Why did we choose this movie?" Isabel in bewilderment, burying her face into Kate's neck.

"You and Caitlin chose this movie!" Gabbie shot back, her voice muffled. "I really just wanted to watch Barbie."

"It's not even that bad," Kate rolled her eyes, pressing the rewind button on the movie so they could catch back up. "All three of you are just wimps."

Isabel snapped her head, raising her eyebrows at Kate in disbelief. "Kate, I bet you 20 dollars you can't watch the rest of this movie without jumping at least once."

Caitlin finally removed her hands from covering her eyes. She looked at Kate as well, shaking her head. "You can't talk about anyone being a wimp. Tell Isabel about that time you cried when a mouse ran past your foot in the Northwestern locker room."

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