𝐱𝐱. birthday dinner

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in real life

✧˖*°࿐   CHAPTER TWENTY!❪     in real life     ❫

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KATE AND ISABEL WERE THE LAST TO ARRIVE TO THE DINNER. Only because Isabel messed up her eyeliner more times than Kate could keep count of. Then she took twenty minutes trying on every single pair of heels she owned to see which one looked the best with her dress. Kate sat on her bed the entire time playing Candy Crush and reassuring her that any of them looked fine considering she was wearing a plain black dress.

Kate opened the door for Isabel, looking her up and down as she passed her to go inside. Isabel looked good in anything she wore, but this dress was astonishing on her. Kate felt as if it had miraculously gotten even more flattering on her than it had at the store.

Isabel walked up to the man standing with the books, greeting him with a small smile. He smiled back a little too friendly. It was obvious he was checking her out. Kate came up behind Isabel, wrapping an arm around her waist. The guys smile immediately dropped and was replaced with a look of disgust.

"We're with a party," Isabel told him.

He looked at her in annoyance. "I'm gonna need a name."

"Oh, right, sorry. It's Gyamfi," Isabel laughed awkwardly. She hated having to speak to people. It made her so nervous to the point where her words tended to jumble together. Kate squeezed her hip bone in reassurance that she was doing fine and that he was just a homophobic dick.

The guys eyes scanned his tablet, clicking the last name she provided. "And your names?"

"Kate and Isabel," Kate answered before Isabel had the chance to. He nodded bluntly, dragging a finger across the screen to mark their names off the guest list.

"Room 5. Have a great night." He forced a smile onto his face begrudgingly. Kate pushed herself and Isabel into the main area of the restaurant without bothering to give him another glance. She heard him mutter something under his breath, but chose not to dwell on it.

As they reached the room, Kate unhooked her arm from around Isabel's waist. Neither one of them were embarrassed to be seen together like that, of course, but they had hardly talked about their relationship themselves, much less told anyone else about it. They hadn't even shared another kiss since.

Isabel swung the door open, walking into a gorgeous room light up with string lights. There was wooden table in the center of the room where everyone was sat. They all turned their heads to look at the two walking in, shouting in praise of their final arrival.

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