ACT II- I remember that.

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Before sunset and Twilight walked into the cafe, Fluttershy and Rarity were already inside chatting, What twilight didn't know was that Sci-Twi was also there which isn't bad, But how would people react to seeing TWO twilights? sunset let go of Twilight's hand and opened the door and the smell of baked goods entered their nostrils. "I've been waiting to go here for a bit." sunset commented. twilight replied. "I'm happy you took me here." twilight turned and saw the table Fluttershy, rarity, and Sci-Twi were sitting at. it caught her by surprise to see them again. her eyes widened and made contact with Sci-Twi's. They knew each other already. Sci-Twi grinned and waved with her elbow on the table. so it wasn't a full wave. twilight waved back. sunset looked at Twilight and said "Whatever you want, lay it on me! I'll order for you." twilight was surprised by her offer. but remember sunset was just happy to see her again, so she again, accepted her offer. "Oh! thanks, sunset, just a vanilla oats.." she said in irony and began to walk towards the table her friends were at while kinda hiding her face with her hand. "Hey you three!" twilight said in a giggle. Fluttershy stopped what she was doing and glanced at Twilight and smiled. "Twilight! you're here!." Rarity joined in as well. "My dear it's been so long! Are you okay? everything fine at home?" then sci-twi replied. "It's only been 2 months and a half rarity ", not in a rude way though

ah well you know, Busy-ness.." twilight replied while she began to hear the ringing of spike collar bell as he was approaching. Fluttershy gasped and had open arms. 'Look at you spikey. Did u get tired of being a dragon?" spike giggled and wagged his tail. Rarity looked at Twilight's sweater and said. "My goodness darling. That cardigan of yours is magnificent. where did u get it!" twilight looked down at it and replied. "Sunset made it for me!" and smiled. "SUNSET!?" rarity raspingly yelled. She had no idea Sunset Shimmer could knit. or even have an interest in fashion.

Sunset was ordering the drinks for her and Twilight. and began to look around the cafe walls. there were frames of past customers. familiar and unfamiliar. and then she looked behind her to where Twilight was and noticed she was zoned out a bit.  then a sound of glass cups hit the counter behind her"Strawberry and vanilla!" the cafe worker yelled and grabbed Sunset's attention. "Ah, thank you." she grabbed them both and walked to the cafe table with a slight concern on her face.  twilight was listening to everyone at the table talk while she was twirling her fingers..."Twilight, I got the milkshakes. Are you okay?"

Twilight snapped back into reality and looked at the sunset with wide eyes. "Ah, right sorry. Thank you sunset." Twilight said. She fisted her hands grabbed the milkshake glass and placed it on the table. She took a deep breath and looked up at her as she began to sit down. Fluttershy scooted down a bit to make space for sunset. "Twilight there's so much we wanted to tell you! But I'm afraid I'd overwhelm you haha." Rarity said while scratching her nose in embarrassment. Twilight replied. "There's so much I want to ask too, but I think I'm gonna begin with the ones that have been on my mind lately. I suppose." Twilight began to sip her drink and looked at the sunset. "If you want, you can start first twilight!" Sunset said while shrugging her elbows. twilight giggled a bit and said "Has the equestrian magic done any good for this world? Or any danger?" Everyone looked at each other then smiled and looked back at Twilight "Darling you don't have to worry about a thing. You've brought us nothing but positivity! And you should know that." Rarity explained. Fluttershy replied "Yeah, sometimes when you aren't around. I still feel that sparkle from day one." Sci Twi added in. "I may have not spent too much time with you, but I can tell you're very loyal. You put so much pressure on yourself you know?"

Twilight was surprised by their answers. It wasn't what she expected. And it almost felt like they were avoiding the truth. But that's all she needed to know. "You kick ass twilight!" Sunset said that comment made Twilight giggle a bit. Suddenly sci-twi's phone began to play the morning announcements video from earlier. It was uploaded to the Twitter of CHS. It was a familiar voice. It caught Twilight's attention. "It appears that the weather tomorrow will be quite rainy! But with a sudden heatwave? I'm just as confused as you are.. " a guitar riff is played after those words are said. Sci twi giggled and scrolled passed it like it was just nothing. Twilight however had her jaw slightly open and eyebrows raised. She was clenching on her glass cup. Her hands were sweaty too. It had been so long since she'd heard his voice. "It's so funny that Flash decided to take on the weather report," Sunset commented while taking a sip of her drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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